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Популярно о конечной математике и ее интересных применениях в квантовой теории - Феликс Лев

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paper I immediately received a rejection letter. Such an attitude to the author is obviously indecent.

Sincerely, Felix Lev.

Т.е., открытым текстом написал им, что такое отношение к автору неприличное. Вроде бы, после этого они должны обидеться и не иметь дел со мной. Но получил такой ответ:

Dear Dr Lev,

Re: "Why Finite Mathematics Is More Fundamental Than Classical One" by Lev, Felix

Article reference: JPCO-101317

Thank you for your email. We apologise that your paper was rejected. Due to a miscommunication, we were not aware your paper had been commissioned. I have now consulted the Editor and we are happy to reconsider your manuscript and continue processing it in JPCO. Please could you let us know if you are happy for us to continue processing your paper in this journal?

Yours sincerely

Sarah Hunter

Т.е., они извиняются, что произошло miscommunication (т.е., левая рука не знала что делает правая), они пересмотрели свое решение, решили опять рассматривать мою статью и просят сообщить счастлив ли я. Т.е., я послал им статью, написал, что готов заплатить 1495 долларов за open access, но все равно они отвергли, а теперь хотят опять рассмотреть статью. Но я решил, что после этого будет слишком, если я буду опять пытаться заплатить 1495 долларов: из-за их тупых догм они вначале отказались, а теперь, вроде бы, опять не против получить эти деньги. Поэтому написал им такой ответ:

Letter reference: HAA01

Dear Editors,

I am grateful that you have reconsidered your decision to immediately reject my paper. I thought about your request to confirm that I agree if you continue processing my paper. However, my decision is that I will not try to publish my paper in JPCO. I don't know whether or not you are interested in my reasons but they are described below.

First about me. I graduated from the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology, got PhD from the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow and Dr. Sci. Degree (in Russia there are two doctoral degrees) from the Institute for High Energy Physics also known as the Serpukhov Accelerator. In Russia I worked as a leading scientist at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Moscow region) but in the US I work at a software company.

I gave talks at many international conferences, have many papers published in known journals on physics and mathematical physics (Annals Phys., Finite Fields and Applications, J. Math. Phys., J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Nucl. Phys. A, Phys. Lett., Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Phys. Rev. C and D, Phys. Rev. Letters, Theor. Math. Phys. and others) and 44 papers in arXiv.

My experience is that when I sent to known journals papers done in the framework of more or less mainstream approaches then typically such papers were accepted without problems. However, when a paper was based on non-mainstream approaches then great problems arose. This was not because the editors could say something specific or refute my results. Typically, they even did not understand what the paper was about, but they saw that the paper was not based on what was sacred for them.

The editorial policies of known journals are typically very impressive. However, when I dealt with those journals then typically it became obvious that the referees and board members did not feel obliged to follow those policies, they thought that they know better what papers should or should not be published and the referees often even did not understand that it was disgraceful to write a negative report if they understood nothing in the paper.

For example, I have five papers published in JPA, the last of them was published in 2004. All those papers have been done in frameworks of more or less mainstream approaches. The referee reports were very professional and helped to improve the papers. For example, in the last case there were two referee reports, positive and negative, the adjudicator advised in my favor, and this is a reasonable situation. However, all my next submissions to JPA have been rejected without any explanations, and nobody tried to understand my results. Typically, they sent me the same standard text as you sent on Sep 26th that"…articles must be of high scientific quality and be recognised as making a positive contribution to the literature. Your Paper has been assessed and has been found not to meet these criteria." So, in fact the statement is that my paper is not of high scientific quality and does not make a positive contribution to the literature. Scientific ethics implies that any negative statement should be substantiated but in all those cases no explanations have been given, and the phrase that the paper has been assessed gives no info on how it has been assessed.

For me it's interesting whether the editors understand that their actions contradict scientific ethics. I propose papers where quantum theory is based not on complex numbers but on finite math. I explain that my approach is more fundamental than standard one and moreover I have rigorously proved that standard quantum theory is a special degenerate case of quantum theory based on standard math. I have no doubt that my papers are fundamental and sooner or later (rather later than sooner) this will be acknowledged. My observation is that majority of physicists do not have even very basic knowledge in finite math. This is not a drawback because everybody knows something and does not know something, and it's impossible to know everything. I believe the mentality of physicists should be such that in physics different approaches should have a right to compete. However, the mentality of many physicists is such that if they don't understand something then this should not be published. My observation is that when physicists see that my papers are based on finite math then they immediately conclude that this is philosophy, pathology, exotics etc. and contradicts their dogmas (although, as

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Настя 08.12.2024 - 03:18
Прочла с удовольствием. Необычный сюжет с замечательной концовкой
Марина 08.12.2024 - 02:13
Не могу понять, где продолжение... Очень интересная история, хочется прочесть далее
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Эх, а где же продолжение?
Анна 07.12.2024 - 00:27
Какая прелестная история! Кратко, ярко, захватывающе.
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Редко встретишь большое количество эротических сцен в одной истории. Здесь достаточно 🔥 Прочла с огромным удовольствием 😈