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Под черным флагом. Быт, романтика, убийства, грабежи и другие подробности из жизни пиратов - Дэвид Кордингли

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которые хранятся в коллекциях Государственного архива на Чансери-Лейн и Кью. Ссылки на используемые мной книги и документы даны в сносках к каждой главе. В следующем списке перечислены книги для дальнейшего изучения.

Вымышленные пираты

Backschreider, Paula R. Daniel Defoe, His Life (Baltimore and London, 1989).

Ballantyne, R. M. The Coral Island (London, 1858).

Barrie, J. M. Peter Pan (first performance of the play, 1904); Peter and Wendy (Barrie’s original title for the book version) (London, 1911).

Bell, Ian. Robert Louis Stevenson: Dreams of Exile (London, 1992).

Birkin, Andrew. J. M. Barrie and the Lost Boys (London, 1979).

Brogan, Hugh. The Life of Arthur Ransome (London, 1984).

Byron, Lord. The Corsair (London, 1814).

Calder, Jenni. RLS, a Life Study (London, 1980).

Colvin, Sydney (ed.). The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson (London, 1895).

Defoe, Daniel. The Life, Adventures, and Pyracies of the Famous Captain Singleton (London, 1720).

Defoe, Daniel. The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner (London, 1719).

du Maurier, Daphne. Frenchman’s Creek (London, 1941).

Flynn, Errol. My Wicked, Wicked Ways (London, 1960).

Gilbert, W. S., and Sullivan, Arthur. The Pirates of Penzance, or the Slave of Duty (copyright performances at Paignton, Devon, and in New York in 1879; London premiere in 1880).

Green, Roger Lancelyn. Fifty Years of Peter Pan (London, 1954).

Haill, Catharine. Dear Peter Pan (London, 1983).

Johnson, Charles. The Successful Pirate (London, 1713).

McLynn, Frank. Robert Louis Stevenson (London, 1993).

Marryat, Captain Frederick. The Pirate (London, 1836).

Moore, John Robert. Daniel Defoe, Citizen of the Modern World (Chicago, 1958).

Parish, James Robert, and Stanke, Don E. The Swashbucklers (New York, 1976).

Ransome, Arthur. Swallows and Amazons (London, 1930).

Richards, Jeffrey. Swordsmen of the Screen (London and Boston, 1977).

Robertson, James C. The Casablanca Man: The Cinema of Michael Curtiz (London and New York, 1993).

Rutherford, Andrew. Byron: The Critical Heritage (London, 1970).

Sabatini, Rafael. The Sea Hawk (London, 1915).

Sabatini, Rafael, Captain Blood (London, 1922), and The Fortunes of Captain Blood (London, 1936).

Sabatini, Rafael. The Black Swan (London, 1932).

Scott, Sir Walter. The Pirate (London, 1821).

Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island (first published in serial form in Young Folks magazine, October 1881 to January 1882; first published in book form, London, 1883)

Thomas, Tony. The Complete Films of Errol Flynn (New York, 1990).

Wardale, Roger. Nancy Blackett: Under Sail with Arthur Ransome (London, 1991).

Исторические пираты

Andrews, Kenneth. The Spanish Caribbean: Trade and Plunder 1530–1630 (New Haven, 1978).

Baker, William A. Sloops and Shallops (Barre, Mass., 1966).

Barlow, Edward (ed. Basil Lubbock). Barlow’s Journal of His Life at Sea in King’s Ships, East and West Indiamen and Other Merchantmen from 1659–1703 (London, 1934).

Black, Clinton V. Pirates of the West Indies (Cambridge and New York, 1989).

Botting, Douglas. The Pirates (Amsterdam, 1978).

Brooks, Graham. The Trial of Captain Kidd (London and Toronto, 1930).

Burg, B. R. Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition: English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean (New York and London, 1984).

Chambers, Anne. Granuaille: The Life and Times of Grace O’Malley c 1530–1603 (Dublin, 1979).

Clifford, Barry, and Turchi, Peter. The Pirate Prince: Discovering the Priceless Treasures of the Sunken Ship Whydah (New York and London, 1993).

Dampier, William (ed. John Masefield). Dampier’s Voyages (London, 1906).

Davis, K. G. The Royal Africa Company (London and New York, 1970).

Dow, George Francis, and Edmonds, John Henry. The Pirates of the New England Coast 1630–1730 (Salem, Mass., 1923).

Drury, Robert (ed. Captain Pasfield Oliver). Madagascar; or Robert Drury’s Journal During Fifteen Years Captivity on That Island (London, 1897).

Earle, Peter. The Sack of Panama (London, 1981).

Earle, Peter. Corsairs of Malta and Barbary (London, 1970).

Ellen, Eric. Piracy at Sea (International Maritime Bureau: London, 1992).

Exquemelin, A. O. De Americaensche Zee-Roovers (Amsterdam, 1678); Bucaniers of America (London, 1684); Histoire des Aventuriers (Paris, 1686); Esquemeling, The Buccaneers of America (London and New York, 1923).

Gilkerson, William. Boarders Away II: The Small Arms and Combustibles of the Classical Age of Fighting Sail, 1626–1826 (Lincoln, R. I., 1993).

Gosse, Philip. The History of Piracy (first published 1932; reprinted in paperback by the Rio Grande Press, New Mexico, 1990).

Griffiths, Arthur. The Chronicles of Newgate (London, 1884).

Harland, John. Seamanship in the Age of Sail: An Account of the Shiphandling of the Sailing Man-of-War 1600–1860 (London, 1984).

Hill, Charles. Notes on Piracy in Eastern Waters (Bombay, 1923).

Howse, Derek, and Thrower, Norman. A Buccaneer’s Atlas, Basil Ringrose’s South Sea Waggoner (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1992).

Johnson, Captain Charles. A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates (London, 1724); Daniel Defoe A General History of the Pyrates (London, 1972).

Lavery, Brian. The Ship of the Line, volume I. The Development of the Battle Fleet 1650–1850 (London, 1983).

– The Arming and Fitting of English Ships of War, 1600–1815 (London, 1987).

Lee, Robert E. Blackbeard the Pirate: A Reappraisal of His Life and Times (North Carolina, 1974).

Linebaugh, Peter. The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1991).

Lloyd, Christopher. English Corsairs on the Barbary Coast (London, 1981).

Lucie-Smith, Edward. Outcasts of the Sea (London, 1978).

Lyon, David. The Sailing Navy List. All the Ships of the Royal Navy—Built, Purchased and Captured—1688–1860 (London, 1993).

Marley, David F. Pirates and Privateers of the Americas, (Santa Barbara, Calif., 1994).

Middleton, Arthur. Tobacco Coast: A Maritime History of Chesapeake Bay in the Colonial Era (Baltimore, 1984).

Mitchell, David. Pirates (London, 1976).

Murray, Dian H. Pirates of the South China Coast 1790–1810 (Stanford, Calif., 1987).

National Maritime Museum. Piracy and Privateering, volume IV of the Catalogue of the Library of the National Maritime Museum (London, 1972).

Pawson, Michael, and Buisseret, David. Port Royal, Jamaica (Oxford, 1975).

Pringle, Patrick. The Jolly Roger: The Story of the Great Age of Piracy (London, 1953).

Pope, Dudley. Harry Morgan’s Way: The Biography of Sir Henry Morgan 1635–1684 (London, 1977).

Rediker, Marcus. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Merchant Seamen, Pirates, and the Anglo-American Maritime World (Cambridge and New York, 1987).

Ritchie, Robert C. Captain Kidd and the War Against

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