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Новые темные века - Джеймс Брайдл

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Doubleday, 1950.

36. Chris Baraniuk, ‘The cyborg chess players that can’t be beaten’, BBC Future, December 4, 2015, bbc.com.

Глава 7. Сопричастность

1. Nick Hopkins and Sandra Laville, ‘London 2012: MI5 expects wave of terrorism warnings before Olympics’, Guardian, June 2012, theguardian.com.

2. Jerome Taylor, ‘Drones to patrol the skies above Olympic Stadium’, Independent, November 25, 2011, independent.co.uk.

3. ‘£13,000 Merseyside Police drone lost as it crashes into River Mersey’, Liverpool Echo, October 31, 2011, liverpoolecho.co.uk.

4. FOI Request, ‘Use of UAVs by the MPS’, March 19, 2013, доступно на сайте whatdotheyknow.com.

5. David Robarge, ‘The Glomar Explorer in Film and Print’, Studies in Intelligence 56:1 (March 2012), 28–9.

6. Цит. по мнению большинства, приведенному в постановлении судьи J. Skelly Wright, Phillippi v. CIA, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 1976.

7. См. также ˊglomarbot в Twitter, бот создан автором.

8. W. Diffie and M. Hellman, ‘New directions in cryptography’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 22:6 (1976), 644–54.

9. ‘GCHQ trio recognised for key to secure shopping online’, BBC News, October 5, 2010, bbc.co.uk.

10. Dan Goodin, ‘How the NSA can break trillions of encrypted Web and VPN connections’, Ars Technica, October 15, 2015, arstechnica.co.uk.

11. Tom Simonite, ‘NSA Says It “Must Act Now” Against the Quantum Computing Threat’, Technology Review, February 3, 2016, technologyreview.com.

12. Rebecca Boyle, ‘NASA Adopts Two Spare Spy Telescopes, Each Maybe More Powerful Than Hubble’, Popular Science, June 5, 2012, popsci.com.

13. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Secrecy: The American Experience, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998.

14. Zeke Miller, ‘JFK Files Release Is Trump’s Latest Clash With Spy Agencies’, New York Times, October 28, 2017, nytimes.com. 270.

15. Ian Cobain, The History Thieves, London: Portobello Books, 2016.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Ian Cobain and Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Files on UK role in CIA rendition accidentally destroyed, says minister’, Guardian, July 9, 2014, theguardian.com.

19. ‘Snowden-Interview: Transcript’, NDR, January26, 2014, ndr.de.

20. Glyn Moody, ‘NSA spied on EU politicians and companies with help from German intelligence’, Ars Technica, April 24, 2014, arstechnica.com.

21. ‘Optic Nerve: millions of Yahoo webcam images intercepted by GCHQ’, Guardian, February 28, 2014, theguardian.com.

22. ‘NSA offers details on “LOVEINT”’, Cnet, September 27, 2013, cnet.com.

23. Kaspersky Lab, The Regin Platform: Nation-State Ownage of GSM Networks, November 24, 2014, доступно на сайте securelist.com.

24. Ryan Gallagher, ‘From Radio to Porn, British Spies Track Web Users’ Online Identities’, Intercept, September 25, 2015, theintercept.com.

25. Andy Greenberg, ‘These Are the Emails Snowden Sent to First Introduce His Epic NSA Leaks’, Wired, October 13, 2014, wired.com.

26. James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, ‘Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts’, New York Times, December 16, 2005, nytimes.com.

27. James Bamford, ‘The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)’, Wired, March 14, 2012, wired.com.

28. ‘Wiretap Whistle-Blower’s Account’, Wired, April 6, 2006, wired.com.

29. ‘Obama admits intelligence failures over jet bomb plot’, BBC News, January 6, 2010, news.bbc.co.uk.

30. Bruce Crumley, ‘Flight 253: Too Much Intelligence to Blame?’, Time, January 7, 2010, time.com.

31. Christopher Drew, ‘Military Is Awash in Data From Drones’, New York Times, January 20, 2010, nytimes.com.

32. ‘GCHQ mass spying will “cost lives in Britain”, warns ex-NSA tech chief’, The Register, January 6, 2016, theregister.co.uk.

33. Ellen Nakashima, ‘NSA phone record collection does little to prevent terrorist-attacks’, Washington Post, January 12, 2014, washingtonpost.com.

34. New America Foundation, ‘Do NSA’s Bulk Surveillance Programs Stop Terrorists?’, January 13, 2014, newamerica.org.

35. Jennifer King, Deirdre Mulligan, and Stephen Rafael, ‘CITRIS Report: The San Francisco Community Safety Program’, UC Berkeley, December 17, 2008, доступно на сайте wired.com.

36. K. Pease, ‘A Review Of Street Lighting Evaluations: Crime Reduction Effects’, Crime Prevention Studies 10 (1999).

37. Stephen Atkins, ‘The Influence Of Street Lighting On Crime And Fear Of Crime’, Crime Prevention Unit Paper 28, UK Home Office, 1991, доступно на сайте popcenter.org.

38. Julian Assange, ‘State and Terrorist Conspiracies’, Cryptome, November 10, 2006, cryptome.org.

39. Caroline Elkins, Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2005.

40. ‘Owners Watched Fort McMurray Home Burn to Ground Over iPhone’, видео YouTube, пользователь Storyful News, May 6, 2016.

Глава 8. Заговор

1. Joseph Heller, Catch-22, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961.

2. См. также James Bridle, ‘Planespotting’, публикация в блоге, December 18, 2013, booktwo.org, и другие публикации автора.

3. Подробный обзор судебного разбирательства представлен: Kevin Hall, The ABC Trial (2006), изначально опубликован на сайте ukcoldwar.simplenet.com, хранится в архиве на archive.li/1xfT4.

4. Richard Aldrich, GCHQ: The Uncensored Story of Britain’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency, New York: HarperPress, 2010.

5. Duncan Campbell, ‘GCHQ’ (book review), New Statesman, June 28, 2010, newstatesman.com.

6. Chris Blackhurst, ‘Police robbed of millions in plane fraud’, Independent, May 19, 1995, independent.co.uk.

7. US Air Force, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, 1996, csat.au.af.mil.

8. ‘Take Ur Power Back!: Vote to leave the EU’, видео на YouTube, пользователь Flat Earth Addict, June 21, 2016.

9. ‘Nigel Farage’s Brexit victory speech in full’, Daily Mirror, June 24, 2016, mirror.co.uk.

10. Carey Dunne, ‘My month with chemtrails conspiracy theorists’, Guardian, May 2017, theguardian.com.

11. Ibid.

12. International Cloud Atlas, cloudatlas.wmo.int.

13. A. Bows, K. Anderson, and P. Upham, Aviation and Climate Change: Lessons for European Policy, New York: Routledge, 2009.

14. Nicola Stuber, Piers Forster, Gaby Rädel, and Keith Shine, ‘The importance of the diurnal and annual cycle of air traffic for contrail radiative forcing’, Nature 441 (June 2006).

15. Patrick Minnis, et al., ‘Contrails, Cirrus Trends, and Climate’, Journal of Climate 17 (2006), доступно на сайте areco.org.

16. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, c.430 BC, 477:‘ The flight of crook-taloned birds I distinguished clearly – which by nature are auspi cious, which sinister.’

17. Susan Schuppli, ‘Can the Sun Lie?’, in Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth, Forensic Architecture, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2014, 56–64.

18. Kevin van Paassen, ‘New documentary recounts bizarre climate changes seen by Inuit elders’, Globe and Mail, October 19, 2010, theglobeandmail.com.

19. SpaceWeather.com, Time Machine, conditions for July 2, 2009.

20. Carol Ann Duffy, ‘Silver Lining’, Sheer Poetry, 2010, доступно на сайте sheerpoetry.co.uk.

21. Lord Byron, ‘Darkness’, 1816. Цит. по переводу Ивана Тургенева (1845).

22. Richard Panek, ‘“The Scream”, East of Krakatoa’, New York Times, February 8, 2004, nytimes.com.

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