Новые темные века - Джеймс Брайдл
26. M. Kumar, ‘Passengers, crew injured due to turbulence on MAS flight’, Star of Malaysia, June 5, 2016, thestar.com.my.
27. Henry McDonald, ‘Passenger jet makes emergency landing in Ireland with 16 injured’, Guardian, August 31, 2016, theguardian.com.
28. National Transportation Safety Board, ‘NTSB Identification: DCA98MA015’, ntsb.gov.
29. Federal Aviation Administration, FAA Advisory Circular 120-88A, 2006.
30. Paul D. Williams & Manoj M. Joshi, ‘Intensification of winter transatlantic aviation turbulence in response to climate change’, Nature Climate Change 3 (2013), 644–8.
31. Wolfgang Tillmans, Concorde, Cologne: Walther Konig Books, 1997.
32. William B. Gail, ‘A New Dark Age Looms’, New York Times, April 19, 2016, nytimes.com.
33. Joseph G. Allen, et al., ‘Associations of Cognitive Function Scores with Carbon Dioxide, Ventilation, and Volatile Organic Compound Exposures in Office Workers: A Controlled Exposure Study of Green and Conventional Office Environments’, Environmental Health Perspectives 124 (June 2016), 805–12.
34. Usha Satish, et al., ‘Is CO2 an Indoor Pollutant? Direct Effects of Low-to-Moderate CO2 Concentrations on Human Decision-Making Performance’, Environmental Health Perspectives 120:12 (December 2012), 1671–7.
Глава 4. Вычисления
1. William Gibson в интервью David Wallace-Wells, ‘William Gibson, The Art of Fiction No. 211’, Paris Review 197 (Summer 2011).
2. Tim Berners-Lee, ‘How the World Wide Web just happened’, Do Lectures, 2010, thedolectures.com.
3. ‘Cramming more components onto integrated circuits’, Electronics 38:8 (April 19, 1965).
4. ‘Moore’s Law at 40’, Economist, March 23, 2005, economist.com.
5. Chris Anderson, ‘End of Theory’, Wired Magazine, June 23, 2008.
6. Jack W. Scannell, Alex Blanckley, Helen Boldon, and Brian Warrington, ‘Diagnosing the decline in pharmaceutical R&D efficiency’, Nature Reviews Drug Discover 11 (March 2012), 191–200.
7. Richard Van Noorden, ‘Science publishing: The trouble with retractions’, Nature, October 5, 2011, nature.com.
8. F. C. Fang, and A. Casadevall, ‘Retracted Science and the Retraction Index’, Infection and Immunity 79 (2011), 3855–9.
9. F. C. Fang, R. G. Steen, and A. Casadevall, ‘Misconduct accounts for the majority of retracted scientific publications’, FAS, October 16, 2012, pnas.org.
10. Daniele Fanelli, ‘How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data’, PLOS ONE, May 29, 2009, PLOS ONE, journals.pl.
11. F. C. Fang, R. G. Steen, and A. Casadevall, ‘Why Has the Number of Scientific Retractions Increased?’, PLOS ONE, July 8, 2013, journals.plosone.org.
12. ‘People Who Mattered 2014’, Time, December 2014, time.com.
13. Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, ‘The Mind of a Con Man’, New York Times, April 26, 2013, nytimes.com.
14. Monya Baker, ‘1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility’, Nature, May 25, 2016, nature.com.
15. Подробнее о математической составляющей эксперимента см. Jean-Francois Puget, ‘Green dice are loaded (welcome to p-hacking)’, публикация в блоге IBM developer-Works, March 22, 2016, ibm.com.
16. M. L. Head, et al., ‘The Extent and Consequences of P-Hacking in Science’, PLOS Biology 13:3 (2015).
17. John P. A. Ioannidis, ‘Why Most Published Research Findings Are False’, PLOS ONE, August 2005.
18. Derek J. de Solla Price, Little Science, Big Science, New York: Columbia University Press, 1963.
19. Siebert, Machesky, and Insall, ‘Overflow in science and its implications for trust’, eLife 14 (September 2015), ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
20. Ibid.
21. Michael Eisen, ‘Peer review is f***ed up – let’s fix it’, публикация в личном блоге, October 28, 2011, michaeleisen.org.
22. Emily Singer, ‘Biology’s big problem: There’s too much data to handle’, Wired, October 11, 2013, wired.com.
23. Lisa Grossman and Maggie McKee, ‘Is the LHC throwing away too much data?’, New Scientist, March 14, 2012, newscientist.com.
24. Jack W. Scannell, et al., ‘Diagnosing the decline in pharmaceutical R&D efficiency’, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 11 (March 2012) 191–200.
25. Philip Ball, Invisible: The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen, London: Bodley Head, 2014.
26. Daniel Clery, ‘Secretive fusion company claims reactor break- through’, Science, August 24, 2015, sciencemag.org.
27. E. A. Baltz, et al., ‘Achievement of Sustained Net Plasma Heating in a Fusion Experiment with the Optometrist Algorithm’, Nature Scientific Reports 7 (2017), nature.com.
28. Albert van Helden and Thomas Hankins, eds, Osiris, Volume 9: Instruments, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Глава 5. Сложность
1. Guy Debord, ‘Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography’, Les Lèvres Nues 6 (1955), доступно на сайте library.nothingness.org.
2. James Bridle, The Nor, essay series, 2014–15, доступно на сайте shorttermmemoryloss.com.
3. James Bridle, ‘All Cameras are Police Cameras’, The Nor, November 2014.
4. James Bridle, ‘Living in the Electromagnetic Spectrum’, The Nor, December 2014.
5. Christopher Steiner, ‘Wall Street’s Speed War’, Forbes, September 9, 2010, forbes.com.
6. Kevin Fitchard, ‘Wall Street gains an edge by trading over microwaves’, GigaOM, February 10, 2012, gigaom.com.
7. Luis A. Aguilar, ‘Shedding Light on Dark Pools’, US Securities and Exchange Commission, November 18, 2015, sec.gov.
8. ‘Barclays and Credit Suisse are fined over US “dark pools”’, BBC, February 1, 2016, bbc.com.
9. Martin Arnold, et al., ‘Banks start to drain Barclays dark pool’, Financial Times, June 26, 2014, ft.com.
10. Care Quality Commission, Hillingdon Hospital report, 2015, cqc.org.uk/location/RAS01.
11. Aneurin Bevan, In Place of Fear, London: William Heinemann, 1952.
12. Переписка с фондом больницы Хиллингдона. Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust, 2017, whatdotheyknow.com/request/hillingdon_hospital_structure_us.
13. Chloe Mayer, ‘England’s NHS hospitals and ambulance trusts have £700 million deficit’, Sun, May 23, 2017, thesun.co.uk.
14. Michael Lewis, FlashBoys, NewYork: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014.
15. Ibid.
16. ‘Forget the 1 %’, Economist, November 6, 2014, economist.com.
17. Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014.
18. Jordan Golson, ‘Uber is using in-app podcasts to dissuade Seattle drivers from unionizing’, Verge, March 14, 2017, theverge.com.
19. Carla Green and Sam Levin, ‘Homeless, assaulted, broke: drivers left behind as Uber promises change at the top’, Guardian, June 17, 2017, theguardian.com.
20. Ben Kentish, ‘Hard-pressed Amazon workers in Scotland sleeping in tents near warehouse to save money’, Independent, December 10, 2016, independent.co.uk.
21. Kate Knibbs, ‘Uber Is Faking Us Out With “Ghost Cabs” on Its Passenger Map’, Gizmodo, July 28, 2015, gizmodo.com.
22. Kashmir Hill, ‘“God View”: Uber Allegedly Stalked Users For Party-Goers’ Viewing Pleasure’, Forbes, October 3, 2014, forbes.com.
23. Julia Carrie Wong, ‘Greyball: how Uber used secret software to dodge the law’, Guardian, March 4, 2017, theguardian.com.
24. Russell Hotten, ‘Volkswagen: The scandal explained’, BBC, December 10, 2015, bbc.com.
25. Guillaume P. Chossière, et al., ‘Public health impacts of excess NOx emissions from Volkswagen diesel passenger vehicles in Germany’, Environmental