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Английский язык с Джеромом К. Джеромом. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки (ASCII-IPA) - Jerome Jerome

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It was bitterly cold (было очень холодно; bitterly — горько, мучительно; резко, сильно). The wind cut like a knife (ветер резал, словно нож). I thought I would not throw the water over myself after all (я решил, что, все-таки, не буду обливаться). I would go back into the boat and dress (вернусь в лодку и оденусь); and I turned to do so (и я повернулся, чтобы сделать это); and, as I turned, the silly branch gave way (и, когда я повернулся, глупая ветка подломилась; to give way — отступать; поддаться), and I and the towel went in together with a tremendous splash (и я с полотенцем упал в воду с громким плеском; tremendous — страшный, жуткий; огромный, потрясающий), and I was out mid-stream with a gallon of Thames water inside me before I knew what had happened (и я был в середине реки с галлоном воды Темзы внутри меня = в желудке, прежде чем понял, что произошло).

"By Jove (вот тебе на/Боже милостивый)! old J.'s gone in (старина Джей /все-таки/ вошел в воду)," I heard Harris say, as I came blowing to the surface (услышал я, как сказал Гаррис, когда всплыл, отдуваясь, на поверхность; to blow — дуть; пыхтеть, тяжело дышать). "I didn't think he'd have the pluck to do it (я не думал, что у него хватит храбрости сделать это; pluck — дерганье, рывок; смелость, отвага). Did you (а ты)?"

knife [naIf] tremendous [trI'[email protected]]

I did not altogether like to give in, though I did not relish the plunge. There might be snags about, or weeds, I thought. I meant to compromise matters by going down to the edge and just throwing the water over myself; so I took a towel and crept out on the bank and wormed my way along on to the branch of a tree that dipped down into the water.

It was bitterly cold. The wind cut like a knife. I thought I would not throw the water over myself after all. I would go back into the boat and dress; and I turned to do so; and, as I turned, the silly branch gave way, and I and the towel went in together with a tremendous splash, and I was out mid-stream with a gallon of Thames water inside me before I knew what had happened.

"By Jove! old J.'s gone in," I heard Harris say, as I came blowing to the surface. "I didn't think he'd have the pluck to do it. Did you?"

"Is it all right (ну как, хорошо)?" sung out George (крикнул Джордж; to sing out).

"Lovely (чудесно)," I spluttered back (ответил я, отплевываясь; to splutter — говорить быстро и бессвязно, лопотать; фыркать, шипеть). "You are duffers not to come in (вы глупцы, что не пошли /в воду/). I wouldn't have missed this for worlds (я бы ни за что на свете не пропустил этого = не отказался от этого). Why won't you try it (почему бы вам не попробовать)? It only wants a little determination (для этого лишь нужно немного решительности)."

But I could not persuade them (но я не смог их убедить).

Rather an amusing thing happened while dressing that morning (довольно забавная история случилась, когда я одевался в то утро). I was very cold when I got back into the boat (мне было очень холодно, когда я залез обратно в лодку), and, in my hurry to get my shirt on, I accidentally jerked it into the water (и, торопясь надеть рубашку, я случайно уронил ее в воду). It made me awfully wild, especially as George burst out laughing (это ужасно разозлило меня, особенно когда Джордж залился смехом). I could not see anything to laugh at, and I told George so (я не видел ничего смешного: «чтобы смеяться над», и сказал об этом Джорджу), and he only laughed the more (а он только еще больше засмеялся). I never saw a man laugh so much (никогда не видел, чтобы кто-нибудь так /много/ смеялся). I quite lost my temper with him at last (наконец, я совсем рассердился на него/вышел из себя), and I pointed out to him what a drivelling maniac of an imbecile idiot he was (и высказал ему, какой он сумасшедший болван и слабоумный идиот; to point out — указывать, обращать внимание; drivelling idiot — круглый дурак; imbecile — слабоумный; идиот, болван, тупица); but he only roared the louder (но он лишь громче захохотал). And then, just as I was landing the shirt (а затем, как раз когда я вытаскивал рубашку), I noticed that it was not my shirt at all, but George's (я заметил, что это вовсе не моя рубашка, а Джорджа), which I had mistaken for mine (которую я по ошибке принял за свою; to mistake); whereupon the humour of the thing struck me for the first time, and I began to laugh (после чего комизм этой ситуации поразил меня = дошел до меня, наконец, и /уже/ я начал смеяться; for the first time — впервые; to begin). And the more I looked from George's wet shirt to George, roaring with laughter (и чем больше я смотрел то на мокрую рубашку Джорджа, то на самого Джорджа, покатывающегося со смеху), the more I was amused, and I laughed so much that I had to let the shirt fall back into the water again (тем больше я веселился, и я так засмеялся, что мне пришлось позволить рубашке снова упасть в воду = я снова уронил рубашку в воду).

laughing ['lA:fIN] drivelling ['drIvlIN] imbecile ['[email protected]:l]

"Is it all right?" sung out George.

"Lovely," I spluttered back. "You are duffers not to come in. I wouldn't have missed this for worlds. Why won't you try it? It only wants a little determination."

But I could not persuade them.

Rather an amusing thing happened while dressing that morning. I was very cold when I got back into the boat, and, in my hurry to get my shirt on, I accidentally jerked it into the water. It made me awfully wild, especially as George burst out laughing. I could not see anything to laugh at, and I told George so, and he only laughed the more. I never saw a man laugh so much. I quite lost my temper with him at last, and I pointed out to him what a drivelling maniac of an imbecile idiot he was; but he only roared the louder. And then, just as I was landing the shirt, I noticed that it was not my shirt at all, but George's, which I had mistaken for mine; whereupon the humour of the thing struck me for the first time, and I began to laugh. And the more I looked from George's wet shirt to George, roaring with laughter, the more I was amused, and I laughed so much that I had to let the shirt fall back into the water again.

"Ar'n't you — you — going to get it out (ты не собираешься вытаскивать ее; ar'n't = aren`t)?" said George, between his shrieks (сказал Джордж между /приступами/ смеха).

I could not answer him at all for a while, I was laughing so (я вообще не мог ответить ему некоторое время), but, at last, between my peals I managed to jerk out (но, наконец, в паузах между моими приступами смеха, мне удалось выпалить; peal — звон колоколов; раскат /грома/; взрыв /смеха/):

"It isn't my shirt — it's yours (это не моя рубашка — это твоя)!"

I never saw a man's face change from lively to severe so suddenly in all my life before (никогда прежде за всю свою жизнь я не видел, чтобы лицо человека изменилось из веселого на суровое так внезапно).

"What!" he yelled, springing up (вскрикнул он, вскакивая /на ноги/). "You silly cuckoo (глупый ты разиня)! Why can't you be more careful what you're doing (почему ты не можешь быть внимательнее к тому, что делаешь)? Why the deuce don't you go and dress on the bank (почему, черт возьми, ты не идешь и не одеваешься на берегу)? You're not fit to be in a boat, you're not (тебе не место в лодке; fit — подходящий, пригодный). Gimme the hitcher (дай сюда багор; gimme = give me)."

"Ar'n't you — you — going to get it out?" said George, between his shrieks.

I could not answer him at all for a while, I was laughing so, but, at last, between my peals I managed to jerk out:

"It isn't my shirt — it's yours!"

I never saw a man's face change from lively to severe so suddenly in all my life before.

"What!" he yelled, springing up. "You silly cuckoo! Why can't you be more careful what you're doing? Why the deuce don't you go and dress on the bank? You're not fit to be in a boat, you're not. Gimme the hitcher."

I tried to make him see the fun of the thing, but he could not (я попытался объяснить ему забавность/юмор этого = как это смешно, но он не смог /понять/). George is very dense at seeing a joke sometimes (Джордж очень плохо понимает шутку иногда; dense — плотный, густой; тупой).

Harris proposed that we should have scrambled eggs for breakfast (Гаррис предложил яичницу-болтунью на завтрак). He said he would cook them (он сказал, что приготовит ее). It seemed, from his account, that he was very good at doing scrambled eggs (получалось, по его словам, что у него очень хорошо получается делать яичницу-болтунью; account — счет, расчет; доклад, сообщение). He often did them at picnics and when out on yachts (он часто делал ее на пикниках и во время /прогулок/ на яхтах). He was quite famous for them (он весьма славился ею; famous — знаменитый, известный). People who had once tasted his scrambled eggs (люди, которые однажды попробовали его яичницу-болтунью), so we gathered from his conversation (как мы поняли из его речи; to gather — собирать/ся/, накоплять; делать умозаключение; conversation — разговор, беседа; речевое общение), never cared for any other food afterwards (никогда после этого не питали интереса ни к какой другой еде), but pined away and died when they could not get them (а чахнули и умирали, если не могли получить ее).

It made our mouths water to hear him talk about the things (от его разговора об этих вещах у нас слюнки потекли; to water — мочить, орошать; поить; выделять воду), and we handed him out the stove and the frying-pan (и мы выдали ему спиртовку и сковородку) and all the eggs that had not smashed and gone over everything in the hamper, and begged him to begin (и все яйца, которые не разбились и не залили все в корзине, и попросили его начать).

yacht [jOt] account [@'kaunt]

I tried to make him see the fun of the thing, but he could not. George is very dense at seeing a joke sometimes.

Harris proposed that we should have scrambled eggs for breakfast. He said he would cook them. It seemed, from his account, that he was very good at doing scrambled eggs. He often did them at picnics and when out on yachts. He was quite famous for them. People who had once tasted his scrambled eggs, so we gathered from his conversation, never cared for any other food afterwards, but pined away and died when they could not get them.

It made our mouths water to hear him talk about the things, and we handed him out the stove and the frying-pan and all the eggs that had not smashed and gone over everything in the hamper, and begged him to begin.

He had some trouble in breaking the eggs (у него были некоторые хлопоты с разбиванием яиц) — or rather not so much trouble in breaking them exactly as in getting them into the frying-pan when broken (или, вернее, не столько трудности с их разбиванием, сколько с тем, чтобы вылить их разбитые на сковороду), and keeping them off his trousers (и не попасть ими на штаны: «удерживать их вне штанов»), and preventing them from running up his sleeve (и не допустить попадания на рукав); but he fixed some half-a-dozen into the pan at last (но он выпустил около полудюжины яиц на сковороду, наконец), and then squatted down by the side of the stove and chivied them about with a fork (а потом сел на корточки около спиртовки и раздавил их вилкой).

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