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Английский язык с Джеромом К. Джеромом. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки - Jerome Jerome

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Whether the shaking it had received in being thrown down on the bed had started it, or how it was, George could not say (то ли сотрясение, /которое/ они получили, когда их бросили на постель, запустило их = то ли часы пошли от сотрясения, или по другой причине, Джордж не мог сказать), but certain it was that from a quarter-past eight it had begun to go (но несомненным было то, что /начиная/ с четверти девятого они начали ходить; to begin), and now pointed to twenty minutes to nine (и теперь показывали без двадцати девять).

received [rɪˈsi:vd] certain [ˈsǝ:tn]

"Angels and ministers of grace defend us!" exclaimed George; "and here have I got to be in the City by nine. Why didn't somebody call me? Oh, this is a shame!" And he flung the watch down, and sprang out of bed, and had a cold bath, and washed himself, and dressed himself, and shaved himself in cold water because there was not time to wait for the hot, and then rushed and had another look at the watch.

Whether the shaking it had received in being thrown down on the bed had started it, or how it was, George could not say, but certain it was that from a quarter-past eight it had begun to go, and now pointed to twenty minutes to nine.

George snatched it up, and rushed downstairs (Джордж схватил их и бросился вниз по лестнице). In the sitting-room, all was dark and silent (в гостиной было темно и тихо): there was no fire, no breakfast (не было огня = камин не растоплен, не было завтрака). George said it was a wicked shame of Mrs. G. (Джордж сказал, это большой позор для миссис Г.), and he made up his mind to tell her what he thought of her when he came home in the evening (и решил сказать ей, что он о ней думает, когда вернется домой вечером). Then he dashed on his great-coat and hat (потом он ринулся за своим пальто и шляпой), and, seizing his umbrella, made for the front door (и, хватая зонтик, устремился к парадной двери). The door was not even unbolted (на двери не был даже снят засов). George anathematized Mrs. G. for a lazy old woman (Джордж обозвал миссис Г. ленивой старухой; to anathematize — предавать анафеме; проклинать), and thought it was very strange that people could not get up at a decent, respectable time (и подумал, очень странно, что люди не могут подняться в подходящее, приемлемое время; decent — подходящий; порядочный; respectable — почтенный, приличный; допустимый, приемлемый), unlocked and unbolted the door, and ran out (отпер дверь, снял засов и выбежал /на улицу/).

He ran hard for a quarter of a mile, and at the end of that distance (он быстро бежал четверть мили, и в конце этой дистанции) it began to be borne in upon him as a strange and curious thing (ему начало казаться странным и любопытным; to be borne in upon somebody — становиться ясным, понятным; доходить) that there were so few people about, and that there were no shops open (что вокруг так мало людей, и что магазины закрыты: «и что не было открытых магазинов»). It was certainly a very dark and foggy morning (конечно, это было очень темное и туманное утро), but still it seemed an unusual course to stop all business on that account (но все же казалось странным прекращать все дела из-за этого; course — курс, направление; образ действия). He had to go to business (он был вынужден идти на работу): why should other people stop in bed merely because it was dark and foggy (почему это другие остаются в постели только лишь потому, что темно и туманно /на улице/)!

seizing [ˈsi:zɪŋ] decent [ˈdi:s(ǝ)nt] account [ǝˈkaunt]

George snatched it up, and rushed downstairs. In the sitting-room, all was dark and silent: there was no fire, no breakfast. George said it was a wicked shame of Mrs. G., and he made up his mind to tell her what he thought of her when he came home in the evening. Then he dashed on his great-coat and hat, and, seizing his umbrella, made for the front door. The door was not even unbolted. George anathematized Mrs. G. for a lazy old woman, and thought it was very strange that people could not get up at a decent, respectable time, unlocked and unbolted the door, and ran out.

He ran hard for a quarter of a mile, and at the end of that distance it began to be borne in upon him as a strange and curious thing that there were so few people about, and that there were no shops open. It was certainly a very dark and foggy morning, but still it seemed an unusual course to stop all business on that account. He had to go to business: why should other people stop in bed merely because it was dark and foggy!

At length he reached Holborn (наконец он добрался до Холборна). Not a shutter was down (ни одного открытого ставня)! not a bus was about (ни одного омнибуса вокруг)! There were three men in sight, one of whom was a policeman (в поле зрения были три человека, один из которых полицейский); a market-cart full of cabbages, and a dilapidated looking cab (рыночная повозка, полная капусты, и обшарпанный кеб: «выглядящий полуразрушенным»; dilapidated — полуразрушенный, обветшалый). George pulled out his watch and looked at it (Джордж вынул часы и посмотрел на них): it was five minutes to nine (было без пяти девять)! He stood still and counted his pulse (он остановился и сосчитал свой пульс). He stooped down and felt his legs (он наклонился и пощупал ноги; to feel). Then, with his watch still in his hand, he went up to the policeman (потом, все еще держа часы в руке, он подошел к полицейскому), and asked him if he knew what the time was (и спросил, нет знает ли тот, сколько времени).

"What's the time?" said the man, eyeing George up and down with evident suspicion (сказал человек, оглядывая Джорджа с головы до ног с явным подозрением); "why, if you listen you will hear it strike (если послушаете, то услышите, как пробьет)."

George listened, and a neighbouring clock immediately obliged (Джордж прислушался, и близлежащие часы тотчас угодили /ему/).

"But it's only gone three (но они пробили только три)!" said George in an injured tone, when it had finished (сказал Джордж обиженным тоном, когда они закончили /бить/).

dilapidated [dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd] neighbouring [ˈneɪb(ǝ)rɪŋ]

At length he reached Holborn. Not a shutter was down! not a bus was about! There were three men in sight, one of whom was a policeman; a market-cart full of cabbages, and a dilapidated looking cab. George pulled out his watch and looked at it: it was five minutes to nine! He stood still and counted his pulse. He stooped down and felt his legs. Then, with his watch still in his hand, he went up to the policeman, and asked him if he knew what the time was.

"What's the time?" said the man, eyeing George up and down with evident suspicion; "why, if you listen you will hear it strike."

George listened, and a neighbouring clock immediately obliged.

"But it's only gone three!" said George in an injured tone, when it had finished.

"Well, and how many did you want it to go (а сколько вы хотели, чтобы они пробили)?" replied the constable (ответил констебль).

"Why, nine (девять)," said George, showing his watch (сказал Джордж, показывая свои часы).

"Do you know where you live (вы знаете, где живете)?" said the guardian of public order, severely (сказал = спросил строго хранитель/блюститель общественного порядка).

George thought, and gave the address (Джордж подумал и дал свой адрес).

"Oh! that's where it is, is it (а, вот это где)?" replied the man; "well, you take my advice and go there quietly (что ж, послушайте моего совета и отправляйтесь туда тихо), and take that watch of yours with you (и заберите с собой ваши часы); and don't let's have any more of it (и больше так не делайте)."

And George went home again, musing as he walked along, and let himself in (и Джордж снова пошел домой, размышляя по пути, и впустил себя /в дом/ = вошел в дом).

constable [ˈkʌnstǝb(ǝ)l] guardian [ˈɡɑ:dɪǝn]

"Well, and how many did you want it to go?" replied the constable.

"Why, nine," said George, showing his watch.

"Do you know where you live?" said the guardian of public order, severely.

George thought, and gave the address.

"Oh! that's where it is, is it?" replied the man; "well, you take my advice and go there quietly, and take that watch of yours with you; and don't let's have any more of it."

And George went home again, musing as he walked along, and let himself in.

At first, when he got in, he determined to undress and go to bed again (сначала, когда он вошел, он решил раздеться и снова лечь спать); but when he thought of the redressing and re-washing (но когда он подумал о переодевании и переумывании = что придется опять одеваться и умываться), and the having of another bath (и принимать еще раз ванну), he determined he would not, but would sit up and go to sleep in the easy-chair (он решил не делать этого, а сесть и поспать в мягком кресле).

But he could not get to sleep (но он не мог заснуть): he never felt more wakeful in his life (никогда в своей жизни он не чувствовал себя бодрее; wakeful — бодрствующий, неспящий); so he lit the lamp and got out the chess-board, and played himself a game of chess (поэтому он зажег лампу, вытащил шахматную доску и сыграл сам с собой партию; game — игра; партия). But even that did not enliven him: it seemed slow somehow (но даже это не подбодрило его: это, казалось, тянулось как-то медленно; to enliven — оживлять, веселить, воодушевлять; somehow — так или иначе; каким-либо образом, тем или иным образом; как-нибудь, как-то; почему-то); so he gave chess up and tried to read (он бросил шахматы и попытался читать). He did not seem able to take any sort of interest in reading either (видимо, он был не способен хоть как-то заинтересоваться чтением также = чтение тоже было ему неинтересно), so he put on his coat again and went out for a walk (поэтому он снова надел пальто и вышел прогуляться/пройтись).

It was horribly lonesome and dismal (на улице было ужасно пустынно и мрачно), and all the policemen he met regarded him with undisguised suspicion (и все полицейские, которых он встречал, смотрели на его с нескрываемым подозрением; to meet), and turned their lanterns on him and followed him about (и направляли свои фонари на него, и шли за ним по пятам; to follow about — неотступно следовать за кем-либо), and this had such an effect upon him at last (и это так подействовало на него: «оказало на него такое действие» в конце концов) that he began to feel as if he really had done something (что он начал чувствовать себя /так/, будто на самом деле что-то сделал), and he got to slinking down the by-streets and hiding in dark doorways (и он стал красться по переулкам и прятаться в темных подворотнях; to slink — красться, идти крадучись; doorway — дверной проем, пролет; вход) when he heard the regulation flip-flop approaching (когда слышал приближающиеся ритмичные шаги /полицейских/; regulation — регулирование, правило, предписание; flip-flop — шлепающие, шаркающие звуки, «топ-топ»).

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