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California has a law requiring bots to identify themselves. Renee DiResta (24 Jul 2019), «A new law makes bots identify themselves – that's the problem,» Wired, https://www.wired.com/story/law-makes-bots-identify-themselves.
Laim Vaughan (2020), Flash Crash: A Trading Savant, a Global Manhunt, and the Most Mysterious Market Crash in History, Doubleday.
Jia Song and Jim Alves-Foss (Nov 2015), «The DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge: A competitor's perspective,» IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine 13, no. 6, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286490027_The_DARPA_cyber_grand_challenge_A_competitor%27s_perspective.
Dakota Cary (Sep 2021), «Robot hacking games: China's competitions to automate the software vulnerability lifecycle,» Center for Security and Emerging Technology, https://cset.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/CSET-Robot-Hacking-Games.pdf.
Bruce Schneier (18 Dec 2018) «Machine learning will transform how we detect software vulnerabilities,» Security Intelligence, https://securityintelligence.com/machine-learning-will-transform-how-we-detect-software-vulnerabilities.
Economist staff (12 Jun 2018), «Law firms climb aboard the AI wagon,» Economist, https://www.economist.com/business/2018/07/12/law-firms-climb-aboard-the-ai-wagon.
A list of examples is here. Victoria Krakovna (2 Apr 2018), «Specification gaming examples in AI,» https://vkrakovna.wordpress.com/2018/04/02/specification-gaming-examples-in-ai.
Karol Kurach et al. (25 Jul 2019), «Google research football: A novel reinforcement learning environment,» arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.11180.
Ivaylo Popov et al. (10 Apr 2017), «Data-efficient deep reinforcement learning for dexterous manipulation,» arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.03073.
David Ha (10 Oct 2018), «Reinforcement learning for improving agent design,» https://designrl.github.io.
Dario Amodei et al. (25 Jul 2016), «Concrete problems in AI safety,» arXiv, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.06565.pdf.
Custard Smingleigh (@Smingleigh) (7 Nov 2018), Twitter, https://twitter.com/smingleigh/status/1060325665671692288.
Abby Everett Jaques (2021), «The Underspecification Problem and AI: For the Love of God, Don't Send a Robot Out for Coffee,» unpublished manuscript.
Stuart Russell (Apr 2017), «3 principles for creating safer AI,» TED2017, https://www.ted.com/talks/stuart_russell_3_principles_for_creating_safer_ai.
Мелисса Кёниг (9 сентября 2021 г.): «46-летняя женщина, опаздывая со своим сыном-школьником на рейс JetBlue, „сделала ложное заявление, что заложила на борту бомбу“, чтобы задержать самолет». Daily Mail, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9973553/Woman-46-falsely-claims-planted-BOMB-board-flight-effort-delay-plane.html. Элла Торрес (18 января 2020 г.): «Полиция сообщает, что жительница Лондона заявила о якобы заложенной в самолет бомбе, чтобы задержать рейс, на который опаздывала». ABC News, https://abcnews.go.com/International/london-man-reports-fake-bomb-threat-delay-flight/story?id=68369727. Питер Стабли (16 августа 2018 г.): «Человек выдумывает бомбу, чтобы задержать свой рейс», Independent, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/man-late-flight-hoax-bomb-threat-gatwick-airport-los-angeles-jacob-meir-abdellak-hackney-a8494681.html. (20 января 2007 г.): «В Турции женщина задержала самолет с помощью ложного сообщения о заложенной бомбе». Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-plane-bomb-idUSL2083245120070620.
Zeynep Tufekci (10 Mar 2018), «YouTube, the great equalizer,» The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/10/opinion/sunday/youtube-politics-radical.html. Renee DiResta (11 Apr 2018), «Up next: A better recommendation system,» Wired, https://www.wired.com/story/creating-ethical-recommendation-engines.
One example: Gregory Falco et al. (28 Aug 2018), «A master attack methodology for an AI-based automated attack planner for smart cities,» IEEE Access 6, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449268.
Хедж-фонды и инвестиционные компании уже используют ИИ для обоснования инвестиционных решений. Luke Halpin and Doug Dannemiller (2019), «Artificial intelligence: The next frontier for investment management firms,» Deloitte, https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Financial-Services/fsi-artificial-intelligence-investment-mgmt.pdf. Peter Salvage (March 2019), «Artificial intelligence sweeps hedge funds,» BNY Mellon, https://www.bnymellon.com/us/en/insights/all-insights/artificial-intelligence-sweeps-hedge-funds.html.
Maciej Kuziemski (1 May 2018), «A precautionary approach to artificial intelligence,» Project Syndicate, https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/precautionary-principle-for-artificial-intelligence-by-maciej-kuziemski-2018-05.
Nick Grossman (8 Apr 2015), «Regulation, the internet way,» Data-Smart City Solutions, Harvard University, https://datasmart.ash.harvard.edu/news/article/white-paper-regulation-the-internet-way-660.
Adam Thierer (16 Aug 2018), «The pacing problem, the Collingridge dilemma and technological determinism,» Technology Liberation Front, https://techliberation.com/2018/08/16/the-pacing-problem-the-collingridge-dilemma-technological-determinism.
Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen et al. (Jan 2021), «Can decision transparency increase citizen trust in regulatory agencies? Evidence from a representative survey experiment,» Regulation and Governance 15, no. 1, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/rego.12278.
Gillian K. Hadfield (2016), Rules for a Flat World: Why Humans Invented Law and How to Reinvent It for a Complex Global Economy, Oxford University Press.
Julie E. Cohen (2019), Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism, Oxford University Press.
Joshua A. T. Fairfield (2021), Runaway Technology: Can Law Keep Up? Cambridge University Press.
Jamie Susskind (2022), The Digital Republic: On Freedom and Democracy in the 21st Century, Pegasus.
Josh Zumbrun (25 Apr 2022), «The $67 billion tariff dodge that's undermining U.S. trade policy,» Wall Street Journal, https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-67-billion-tariff-dodge-thats-undermining-u-s-trade-policy-di-minimis-rule-customs-tourists-11650897161.
Thomas Piketty (2017), Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Harvard University Press.
Tristan Harris (5 Dec 2019), «Our brains are no match for our technology,» The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/05/opinion/digital-technology-brain.html.