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Танец жизни. Новая наука о том, как клетка становится человеком - Зерницка-Гетц Магдалена

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Глава 11. Танец жизни

[1] Armand Marie Leroi. The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science. London: Bloomsbury Circus, 2014, 7. На русском языке: Арман Мари Леруа. Лагуна. Как Аристотель придумал науку. М.: ACT, 2019.

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[5] См.: Джозеф Нидхэм. История эмбриологии. М.: Государственное издательство иностранной литературы, 1947.

[6] Armand Marie Leroi. The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science. London: Bloomsbury Circus, 2014, 108.

[7] Ibid, 39.

[8] Armand Marie Leroi. 6 Things Aristotle Got Wrong. HuffPost, October 2, 2014, accessed April 5, 2019. URL: www.huffpost.com/ entry/6-things-aristotle-got-wr_b_5920840.

[9] Aristotle, Generation of Animals, trans. A. L. Peck, Internet Archive, accessed April 5, 2019, URL: https://archive.org/stream/genera-tionofanimOOarisuoft#page/174/mode/2up/search/deformed.

[10] Margaret W. Rossiter. The Matthew Matilda Effect in Science. Social Studies of Science 23. No. 2 (1993): 325-341. URL: https://doi. org/10.1177/030631293023002004.

[11] Scott F. Gilbert. Developmental Biology. 6th ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2000; Stephen G. Brush. Nettie M. Stevens and the Discovery of Sex Determination by Chromosomes. Isis 69. No. 2 (1978): 162-172. URL: https://doi.org/10.1086/352001.

[12] Brush. Nettie M. Stevens, 162—172; The Death of Nettie Maria Stevens. Science 35. No. 907 (1912): 771. Doi:10.1126/science.35.907.771.

[13] Monica Grady. Is Marie Sklodowska Curie Still a Good Role Model for Female Scientists at 150?The Conversation, November 7, 2017, accessed April 15, 2019. URL: https://theconversation.com/is-ma-rie-sklodowska-curie-still-a-good-role-model-for-female-scientists-at-150-87025.

[14] Vesna Petrovich. Women and the Paris Academy of Sciences. Eighteenth-Century Studies 32. No. 3, Constructions of Femininity (1999): 383-390.

[15] Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza. Testimonial Noting Some of Esther Lederberg’s Achievements (Insufficiently Accredited to Her). October 1974, accessed April 5, 2019. URL: www.estherlederberg.com/ LLCS%20Cavalli%20testimonials.html.

[16] John Schwartz. Candace Pert, 67, Explorer of the Brain, Dies. New York Times, September 19, 2013, accessed April 5,2019. URL: www. nytimes.com/2013/09/20/science/candace-pert-67-explorer-of-the-brain-dies.html.

[17] Angela Saini. Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong—and the New Research That’s Rewriting the Story. London: 4th Estate, 2017, 13.

[18] L. Holman, D. Stuart-Fox, С. E. Hauser. The Gender Gap in Science: How Long Until Women Are Equally Represented? PLOS Biology 16. No. 4 (2018): e2004956, URL: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pbio.2004956.

[19] J. Kolev, Y. Fuentes-Medel, F. Murray. Is Blinded Review Enough? How Gendered Outcomes Arise Even Under Anonymous Evaluation. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 25759, April 2019. URL: www.nber.org/papers/w25759; Alecia J. Carter, Alyssa Croft, Dieter Lukas, Gillian M. Sandstrom. Women’s Visibility in Academic Seminars: Women Ask Fewer Questions Than Men. PLOS ONE 13. No. 9 (2018): e0202743. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202743.

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