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Английский язык с Джеромом К. Джеромом. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки - Jerome Jerome

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They had a very jolly evening, and sat up late (у них был очень веселый вечер, и они засиделись /допоздна/), and, by the time they came to go to bed (и, к тому времени, когда они отправились спать), they (this was when George's father was a very young man) were slightly jolly, too (они /это происходило, когда отец Джорджа был очень молод/ были слегка навеселе). They (George's father and George's father's friend) were to sleep in the same room, but in different beds (они /отец Джорджа и приятель отца Джорджа/ должны были спать в одной комнате, но в разных кроватях). They took the candle, and went up (они взяли свечу и поднялись наверх). The candle lurched up against the wall when they got into the room, and went out (свеча наклонилась к стене = ударилась о стену, когда они входили в комнату, и погасла), and they had to undress and grope into bed in the dark (и им пришлось раздеваться и ощупью искать кровати в темноте). This they did (это они сделали); but, instead of getting into separate beds, as they thought they were doing (но, вместо того, чтобы лечь на разные кровати, как они думали /что ложатся/), they both climbed into the same one without knowing it (они оба влезли в одну и ту же, не зная этого) — one getting in with his head at the top (один залез головой сверху = к подушке), and the other crawling in from the opposite side of the compass (а другой вполз с противоположной стороны; compass — граница, предел; окружность, компас), and lying with his feet on the pillow (оказавшись лежащим своими ногами на подушке).

separate [ˈsep(ǝ)rɪt] climb [klaɪm] opposite [ˈɔpǝzɪt]

And then we got on to drains, and that put George in mind of a very funny thing that happened to his father once. He said his father was travelling with another fellow through Wales, and, one night, they stopped at a little inn, where there were some other fellows, and they joined the other fellows, and spent the evening with them.

They had a very jolly evening, and sat up late, and, by the time they came to go to bed, they (this was when George's father was a very young man) were slightly jolly, too. They (George's father and George's father's friend) were to sleep in the same room, but in different beds. They took the candle, and went up. The candle lurched up against the wall when they got into the room, and went out, and they had to undress and grope into bed in the dark. This they did; but, instead of getting into separate beds, as they thought they were doing, they both climbed into the same one without knowing it — one getting in with his head at the top, and the other crawling in from the opposite side of the compass, and lying with his feet on the pillow.

There was silence for a moment, and then George's father said (минуту была тишина, а потом отец Джорджа сказал):

"Joe (Джо)!"

"What's the matter, Tom (что случилось, Том)?" replied Joe's voice from the other end of the bed (ответил голос Джо с другого конца кровати).

"Why, there's a man in my bed (ну, в моей постели какой-то человек)," said George's father; "here's his feet on my pillow (его ноги на моей подушке)."

"Well, it's an extraordinary thing, Tom (удивительная вещь, Том)," answered the other (ответил тот); "but I'm blest if there isn't a man in my bed, too (но черт меня побери, если в моей постели тоже не лежит какой-то человек = черт возьми, да в моей постели тоже кто-то лежит)!"

There was silence for a moment, and then George's father said:


"What's the matter, Tom?" replied Joe's voice from the other end of the bed.

"Why, there's a man in my bed," said George's father; "here's his feet on my pillow."

"Well, it's an extraordinary thing, Tom," answered the other; "but I'm blest if there isn't a man in my bed, too!"

"What are you going to do (что ты собираешься делать)?" asked George's father.

"Well, I'm going to chuck him out (собираюсь вытолкнуть/скинуть его; to chuck — /легонько/ бросить; кинуть; швырнуть)," replied Joe.

"So am I (я тоже)," said George's father, valiantly (храбро сказал отец Джорджа).

There was a brief struggle, followed by two heavy bumps on the floor (произошла короткая борьба, за которой последовали два тяжелых удара об пол; bump — столкновение; глухой тяжелый удар), and then a rather doleful voice said (а потом весьма печальный/страдальческий голос сказал):

"I say, Tom (послушай, Том)!"


valiantly [ˈvælɪǝntlɪ] brief [bri:f]

"What are you going to do?" asked George's father.

"Well, I'm going to chuck him out," replied Joe.

"So am I," said George's father, valiantly.

There was a brief struggle, followed by two heavy bumps on the floor, and then a rather doleful voice said:

"I say, Tom!"


"How have you got on (как у тебя дела)?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, my man's chucked me out (ну, сказать по правде, мой человек вытолкнул меня)."

"So's mine (мой тоже)! I say, I don't think much of this inn, do you (знаешь, мне не особенно нравится эта гостиница, а тебе)?"

"What was the name of that inn (как называлась та гостиница)?" said Harris.

"The Pig and Whistle (Свинья и Свисток; pigs and whistles — всякая ерунда, мелочи)," said George. "Why (а что)?"

"Ah, no, then it isn't the same (а, нет, тогда это не та)," replied Harris.

"How have you got on?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, my man's chucked me out."

"So's mine! I say, I don't think much of this inn, do you?"

"What was the name of that inn?" said Harris.

"The Pig and Whistle," said George. "Why?"

"Ah, no, then it isn't the same," replied Harris.

"What do you mean (что ты имеешь в виду)?" queried George (спросил Джордж; to query — спрашивать, осведомляться, уточнять).

"Why it's so curious (это очень любопытно)," murmured Harris (пробормотал Гаррис), "but precisely that very same thing happened to my father once at a country inn (точно такой же случай произошел однажды с моим отцом в одной деревенской гостинице). I've often heard him tell the tale (я часто слышал, как он рассказывал эту историю). I thought it might have been the same inn (я думал, это, может быть, та же самая гостиница)."

We turned in at ten that night, and I thought I should sleep well, being tired (мы легли спать в десять в тот вечер, и я подумал, что буду хорошо спать, утомившись); but I didn't (но нет). As a rule, I undress and put my head on the pillow (как правило, я раздеваюсь и кладу голову на подушку), and then somebody bangs at the door, and says it is half-past eight (а потом кто-нибудь стучит в дверь и говорит, что сейчас полдевятого): but, to-night, everything seemed against me (но сегодня вечером, казалось, все было против меня); the novelty of it all, the hardness of the boat, the cramped position (новизна всего этого, жесткость лодки, стесненная = неудобная поза) (I was lying with my feet under one seat, and my head on another) (я лежал, положив ноги под одно сиденье, а голову — на другое), the sound of the lapping water round the boat (звук плещущейся воды вокруг лодки), and the wind among the branches, kept me restless and disturbed (и ветер в ветвях — все это держало меня беспокойным и встревоженным = беспокоило и тревожило меня; to keep — держать, удерживать).

query [ˈkwɪǝrɪ] branch [brɑ:nʧ]

"What do you mean?" queried George.

"Why it's so curious," murmured Harris, "but precisely that very same thing happened to my father once at a country inn. I've often heard him tell the tale. I thought it might have been the same inn."

We turned in at ten that night, and I thought I should sleep well, being tired; but I didn't. As a rule, I undress and put my head on the pillow, and then somebody bangs at the door, and says it is half-past eight: but, to-night, everything seemed against me; the novelty of it all, the hardness of the boat, the cramped position (I was lying with my feet under one seat, and my head on another), the sound of the lapping water round the boat, and the wind among the branches, kept me restless and disturbed.

I did get to sleep for a few hours (я заснул на несколько часов), and then some part of the boat which seemed to have grown up in the night (потом какая-то часть лодки, которая, видимо, выросла ночью) — for it certainly was not there when we started, and it had disappeared by the morning (потому что ее, несомненно, там не было, когда мы отправились в путь, и она исчезла к утру) — kept digging into my spine (продолжала вонзаться = все время вонзалась мне в спину; spine — позвоночник, спинной хребет). I slept through it for a while, dreaming that I had swallowed a sovereign (я спал через это = терпя это некоторое время, и мне снилось, что я проглотил соверен), and that they were cutting a hole in my back with a gimlet, so as to try and get it out (и что делают дыру в моей спине буравчиком, чтобы вытащить ее /эту часть лодки/). I thought it very unkind of them, and I told them I would owe them the money (я подумал, это очень недобро = нехорошо с их стороны, и сказал, что буду должен им эти деньги /соверен/), and they should have it at the end of the month (и они получат его в конце месяца). But they would not hear of that, and said it would be much better if they had it then (но они не стали слушать и сказали, что будет намного лучше, если они получат это сейчас), because otherwise the interest would accumulate so (потому что в противном случае нарастут проценты; to accumulate — накапливать/ся/, собирать/ся/, нарастать). I got quite cross with them after a bit, and told them what I thought of them (я совсем рассердился на них через некоторое время и сказал им, что я о них думаю; cross — пересекающийся, перекрестный; злой, раздраженный, сердитый), and then they gave the gimlet such an excruciating wrench that I woke up (и тогда они так мучительно = резко повернули буравчик, что я проснулся; wrench — выкручивание, дерганье, рывок; to wake up).

sovereign [ˈsɔvrɪn] money [ˈmʌnɪ] excruciating [ɪkˈskru:ʃɪeɪtɪŋ]

I did get to sleep for a few hours, and then some part of the boat which seemed to have grown up in the night — for it certainly was not there when we started, and it had disappeared by the morning — kept digging into my spine. I slept through it for a while, dreaming that I had swallowed a sovereign, and that they were cutting a hole in my back with a gimlet, so as to try and get it out. I thought it very unkind of them, and I told them I would owe them the money, and they should have it at the end of the month. But they would not hear of that, and said it would be much better if they had it then, because otherwise the interest would accumulate so. I got quite cross with them after a bit, and told them what I thought of them, and then they gave the gimlet such an excruciating wrench that I woke up.

The boat seemed stuffy, and my head ached (лодка казалось душной = в лодке было душно, и у меня болела голова); so I thought I would step out into the cool night-air (поэтому я решил выйти на прохладный ночной воздух). I slipped on what clothes I could find about (я накинул/надел одежду, что смог найти) — some of my own, and some of George's and Harris's (частично мою собственную, частично Джорджа и Гарриса) — and crept under the canvas on to the bank (и выполз из-под парусины на берег).

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