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Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук

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8. Where do you meet your friends?

9. Where do your children meet their friends?

10. Do you like to listen to pop music, to rock music, to classical music, to jazz?

Language focus 2

Speech patterns


Good morning. – Доброе утро.

Good afternoon. – Добрый день.

Good evening. – Добрый вечер.

Good night. – Спокойной ночи.


Активная грамматика

Language focus 1

The verb «can»

Глагол «мочь, уметь»

I can speak French. – Я умею говорить по-французски.

Can you help me? – Вы можете мне помочь?

They can’t (can not) read English. – Они не умеют читать по-английски.

Where can I buy this book? – Где я могу купить эту книгу?

1. Write the questions and give negative answers.

Напишите вопросы к данным предложениям и дайте отрицательные ответы на них.

Example: She can play tennis.

Can she play tennis? She can’t play tennis.

1. My children can speak Spanish. ......................................................................

2. My wife can cook very well. ......................................................................

3. They can help us with these documents..............................................................

4. I can tell you about the office. ..................................................................

5. She can look at him all the time. ..................................................................

6. He can come home at 7 o’clock. ..................................................................

7. They can walk in this park. ..................................................................

2. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений.

1. I can’t drive a car, but my brother is can. ................................

2. Where I can meet my friend? ................................

3. Can they to tell me the way to the park? ................................

4. Your sister can play the piano? ................................

5. We cann’t come home now. ................................

6. When can see this play? ................................

7. I can work at night, but my wife can. ................................

8. He can’t to read this boring book. ................................

3. Write 10 questions with «can» using the verbs in the Box.

Напишите 10 вопросов, используя глагол «can» и глаголы из таблицы.

To listen, to help, to walk, to relax, to meet, to work, to buy, to drive, to finish, to speak.

4. Translate the sentences into English.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы умеете водить машину? ........................................................

2. Моя жена умеет говорить на трех иностранных языках. ........................................................

3. Мои дети не могут читать длинные скучные книги. ........................................................

4. Где я могу купить билет? ........................................................

5. Мы не можем поехать в Египет. Это очень дорого. ........................................................

6. Я не умею готовить хорошо, но мой муж умеет. ........................................................

7. Что мы можем увидеть в этом театре? ........................................................

8. Мой муж не может ходить на работу каждый день. ........................................................

9. Я не могу слушать эту музыку. ........................................................

Language focus 2

Can you / Could you?

Выражение просьбы с помощью Can you / Could you

Просьба, начинающаяся с «Could you» звучит более вежливо. Сравните: Can you help me? – Вы можете мне помочь? и Could you help me? – Не могли бы Вы мне помочь?

5. Write the full question with «Could».

Напишите полный вопрос, используя «Could».

1. help me to study ..............................................................................

2. play tennis with me ..............................................................................

3. watch this play ..............................................................................

4. have lunch with me ..............................................................................

5. give me your E-mail ..............................................................................

6. buy a cake for us ..............................................................................

7. live in this flat ..............................................................................

6. Write in a suitable question.

Напишите подходящий по смыслу вопрос.

Language focus 3


Вопросительные слова.

What – Что – What can you see in the room? Что ты можешь увидеть в комнате?

What – Какой – What is your surname? Какая твоя фамилия?

When – Когда – When can you meet my friend? Когда ты можешь встретиться с моим другом?

Why – Почему – Why is he here? Почему он здесь?

Where – Где – Where are my chairs? Где мои стулья?

Who – Кто – Who is that man? Кто тот мужчина?

With whom – С кем – With whom can you come? С кем ты можешь прийти?

How – Как – How are you? Как вы поживаете?

Whose – Чей – Whose is this office? Чей это офис?

7. Read the sentences and translate them. Underline the auxiliary verb.

Прочитайте предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните вспомогательный глагол.

1. Where can I buy jeans?.....................................................................................

2. Are these chairs new? ......................................................................................

3. How is your little sister? ...................................................................................

4. With whom is she at the theatre? ........................................................................

5. Are these expensive maps? ................................................................................

6. Where can they have dinner? ............................................................................

7. Who is that man? .........................................................................................

8. When is he in the USA? ....................................................................................

9. Is that our map? ...........................................................................................

10. Who can relax in this room? ...........................................................................

11. What is your favourite game? .........................................................................

12. What can I have for lunch? .............................................................................

8. Complete the questions.

Закончите вопросительные предложения.

1. Can they.........................................................?

2. Where can I......................................................?

3. Who can..........................................................?

4. Is that............................................................?

5. Where are.......................................................?

6. How can I.......................................................?

7. When can they..................................................?

8. With whom is...................................................?

9. Ask one General and one Special question.

Задайте один общий и один специальный вопрос.

Example: My boss can speak three foreign languages.

Can my boss speak three foreign languages?

Where can my boss speak three foreign languages?

1. The doctor can help me.

2. She is in Moscow now.

3. These places are lovely.

4. I can walk in the park.

5. They can listen to music.

6. I am at home at night.

7. This playroom is large.

8. My wife can cook very well.

9. My brother is married.

10. Those are cheap flats.

10. These are the answers. What are the questions?

Напишите вопросы к данным ответам.

1. No, they can’t buy these newspapers.

2. Yes, these are our maps.

3. No, I can’t drive a bus.

4. He is in the shop.

5. I can come home at nine.

6. My friends are fine.

7. I can.


1. Read these sentences. Underline the words from the Active Vocabulary.

Close your eyes. How many sentences can you recollect?

Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните новые слова урока.

Закройте глаза и постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше из данных предложений.

1. In the morning I have breakfast at home.

2. This foreign book is very difficult for me.

3. My children come home from school at two o’clock.

4. I would like to see theatres, museums and that sort of thing.

5. Those chairs aren’t cheap, they are very expensive.

6. Where can I listen to classical music?

7. That play is very long and boring.

8. I can meet you in front of the house.

9. My wife can’t work at night.

10. This place is great.

2. Now write and speak about these people.

Напишите и расскажите об этих людях.


At work in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

Can work at night

A busy man

Would like to buy a new flat


A lovely woman

Can cook well

At home in the evening

Can’t drive

Would like to have three children

Example: The husband is at work ......................................................

3. Put these word combinations in the logical order. Then, speak about the day of these people.

Поставьте словосочетания в логическом порядке. Расскажите о том, как проводят свой рабочий день эти люди.

Meet the clients in the afternoon

Go to work

Help children with their homework

Be at work at the office

Get up

Come home

Have toasts for breakfast

Meet friends at home

Have lunch in a cafe

Have dinner

Go to bed

Finish work

Listen to music and relax

David and Clair.........................................


4. Now speak about your workday and your weekend. Use the ideas in the table. Add your own ideas.

Расскажите о том, как проходит Ваш рабочий день и о том, как Вы проводите выходные. Используйте слова таблицы и добавляйте свои идеи.

On Workday

Finish work

Start work

Work on the computer

Do English homework

Have lunch at work

Meet your boss

Come home in the evening

Cook dinner

Get up at 6 o’clock

At the Weekend


Meet friends in a bar

Listen to music

Go to the rock-concert

Play football

Play with children

Go to the restaurant

Help children with homework

Read newspapers

5. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.

Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.


It’s O.K.

Good morning, Mr. Lester.

And how about the meeting with Mr. Chakai?

Good morning, David. How is our work?

Oh, it s very difficult to work with him.


Oh. These documents on your desk?

Yes. They are very long and difficult to read.

Could you help me, Mary?

Yes, Susie. What is it?

I can’t understand these documents.


Is she in the office?

Can I see her in the evening?

Could I speak to Fanny, please?

I think, yes.

Yes, Fanny and her husband come home at 8 o’clock.

Yes, please.

Can I come at 9 o’clock, then?

No, I’m sorry. She is not at home.


Here. In front of the window.

Is this your new office, Jane?

Nice. Are these computers new?

There, near the desk.

Yes. Is it lovely?

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