Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук
He felt her watching him. Он почувствовал, что она на него смотрит.
I felt them touch me. Я почувствовал, как он прикоснулся ко мне.
3. My mother made me eat soup. Мама заставила меня съесть суп.
Но в страдательной структуре:
I was made to eat soup. Меня заставили съесть суп.
5. Complete the sentences.
Дополните предложения.
1. I want him to.......................................................................................
2. They would like her to...........................................................................
3. She made them....................................................................................
4. I saw them.........................................................................................
5. He saw the birds..................................................................................
6. I expected them to................................................................................
7. She wants her sister to...........................................................................
8. He was made to...................................................................................
9. He knew her friend to be........................................................................
10. I didn’t expect you to...........................................................................
11. She felt the baby.................................................................................
12. He heard the boss................................................................................
13. My partner was made to........................................................................
14. They noticed Bob...............................................................................
6. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Would you like your wife/husband to help you in learning English?
2. Have you ever seen the sun coming out?
3. Will you be made to prepare a report soon?
4. Have you ever noticed your children stealing?
5. How do you want the world to change?
6. Have you ever felt the snow falling down on your face?
7. What can make you change your plans?
8. Do you expect your relatives to arrive soon?
9. Do you know anyone to be particularly talented?
10. Have you ever heard your wife speaking a foreign language?
7. Make up your own sentences with the verbs given.
Составьте свои предложения с данными глаголами.
Например: was made, steal
I was made to steal the money from the shop.
wanted, apply
would like, continue
felt, look
noticed, persuade
made, declare
saw, get married
expect, try
will be made, fry
heard, call
8. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я не хочу, чтобы вы обращались за помощью в штаб.
2. Я слышал, как он делала выводы о наземных наблюдениях.
3. Талантливого ученого заставили продолжить работу.
4. Я не хотел бы, чтобы он стал предсказателем будущего.
5. Мы не ожидали, что ливни начнутся так скоро.
6. Он хочет, чтобы мы гуляли в этот туманный и дождливый день.
7. Я заметил, что они получили очень много/ужас сколько сведений.
1. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Are you desperate to find out what will happen to you in the future?
2. Do you believe fortune-tellers?
3. How would you like your life to change?
4. Are you eager to apply for a new job?
5. Have you ever thought about changing your lifestyle/diet/job?
6. What will our world be like in 10/20/50 years’ time?
7. Do you expect the weather to change soon?
8. What would you like your children to be?
9. What do you expect your wife to cook today?
10. Do you expect your children to become world-famous?
2. Make up stories using the words.
Составьте короткие рассказы с данными словами.
A. beneficial, want smb. to cook, famous, to bake, thick, to fry, to boil, to apply for help, on the whole.
B. witness, matrimony, wedding dress, to declare, to persuade, to draw a conclusion, talented, as for me, she was eager to, she expected him to come.
C. what concerns, an awful lot of information, lawful act, to book, don’t expect them to.
D. token of love, to get married, he knew her to be, to be honest, chances are that, he saw her..., registrar.
3. Answer the questions. Pay attention to the use of different tenses
Ответьте на предложенныевопросы. Обратите внимание на использование различных грамматических времен.
4. Make up short stories using the verbs.
Составьте небольшие рассказы, используя глаголы в предложенных временах и формах.
5. Read the dialogue. Fill in the missing words.
Прочитайте диалог. Вставьте пропущенные слова.
eager, get, decided, look for, as, going, if, am, will
Julia: My last day at MAP Advertising.
James: What are you ..................... to do? Have you .................... yet?
Julia: Not really. I think I’ll go to Germany and ....................... a job there. I hope I ......... doing the right thing.
James: Oh, you’ll be OK.
Julia: What about you, James? Where .................. you be five years from now?
James: What a question! I’ll .................... married and have two children.
Julia: Really?
James: Of course not. .................... for me, I don’t know where I’ll be five years from now. I’m ................... to stay in advertising as I like it. Will you get married?
Julia: Perhaps. ........................ I meet the right man, I’ll get married.
6. Match the questions to the appropriate answers.
Найдите подходящие по смыслу ответы.
Norman Stephens: registrar
7. Read this text.
Прочитайте текст.
John Kettley, the weather forecaster
John Kettley is a weather forecaster on TV. We wanted him to tell us about the way they receive the information about the weather.
He says that an awful lot of preparation goes on at their headquarters. All the information including ground-based observation, satellite information, radar pictures goes into the super-computer.
Their team of forecasters handle that information. And then they come to a conclusion for the next 24–48 hours or so.
As an example, John gives the weather forecast for the next few days. He starts up in the north. Tokyo: round about 18–19 degrees and missing most of the rain. Nagasaki, though, will get the rain; temperatures about 13 degrees. In China and Korea it is very warm too. Beijing: about 27 degrees, with most of the rain clearing away by the end of the week.
Over into India now, plenty of hot sunshine there, but with the showers in Sri-Lanka.
A. Retell the text
Перескажите текст
B. Ask five questions about the text
Задайте пять вопросов к тексту
C. Answer the questions
Ответьте на вопросы
1. Where do the forecasters prepare the information?
2. How do they receive this information?
3. Will it rain in Tokyo?
4. What will be the temperature in Nagasaki?
5. Will it be sunny in India?
PART 1Choose the correct word.
Выберите подходящее слово.
PART 2Ten sentences out of fifteen have a mistake in them. Find and correct it.
В десяти предложениях из предложенных пятнадцати содержится ошибка. Найдите и исправьте ее.
PART 3Translate the sentences.
Переведите предложения.
1 Переведите: Нам купить билеты туда или и обратно тоже?Shall be buy return tickets as well?
Shall be to buy return tickets as well?
Shall be buy there and return tickets as well?
2 Who ... to move it back?did have
3 Найдите лишнее слово. We’ve got a single room for twoa
4 На этой неделе шли дождиIt rained this week
It has rained this week
It rained on this week
5 Найдите предложение с ошибкойWhat made you to change your opinion about her?
The boss was made to sign the agreement
He wanted us to burn the building
6 Он не сможет изучить эту системуHe won’t be able to learn this system
He won’t can to learn this system
7 Найдите лишнее слово: the next one. Then he has to change for an overland train. The journey by thenext
8 You shouldn’t ... press this button–
9 Найдите ошибку: They is going to start a new lifeThey are going
They is going start
a newly life
10 Найдите ошибку: It is the most expensive skirts in the shopIt are
the most expensivest
the most expensive skirt
11 Исправьте ошибкуWas they together yesterday?
Were they
Did they be
on yesterday
12 Найдите лишнее слово: They have had this job for eleven years, since they have left schoolhave (1)
have (2)
13 Переведите: Мы намериваемся подтвердить Ваше предложениеWe intend to confirm your offer
We are intend to confirm your offer
We intend to confirming your offer
14 The man was ... dangerin
15 Найдите ошибку: He can’t do it myselfHe can don’t
do it itself
do it himself
16 Они ожидали, что мы попробуем их жареную рыбуThey expected our to try their fried fish
They expected ours try their fried fish
They expected us to try their fried fish
17 Скорее всего, завтра будет дождьThe chance is that it will rain tomorrow
The chances are that it will rain tomorrow
The chances is that it will rain tomorrow
18 Поставьте прилагательные в правильную форму: First Class is (expensive) servicemost expensive
the most expensive
more expensive
expensive not
19 Найдите ошибку: The jacket isn’t so long I wantedisn’t enough long
isn’t as long as I wanted
isn’t as long so I wanted
20 Найдите лишнее слово. You shouldn’t never touch this equipmentnever