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Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук

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Natalie has been to/has visited the United Kingdom. She has had three jobs.

3. Complete the dialogue taking the phrases.

Дополните диалог фразами.

And I’ve had holidays in five others.

James, how many jobs have you had?

I haven’t done much in my life.

So, for five hours.

I’ve only been to two.

Sorry, but she hasn’t rung yet.

James, how many countries have you been to?

James: Hello, Julia! Aren’t there any messages for me?

Julia: Are you expecting a message?

James: Well, I asked Susan Warren to call me. It’s quite important.

Julia: .....................................................

James: And how long have you been here?

Julia: I’ve been here since half past seven. ....................................................

James: And why did you come so early?

Julia: I’ve got a lot of work to do at the moment.... .....................................................

James: Well, I have had three other jobs. Why?

Julia: Oh, I’m just interested. ............................................................................

James: I’ve worked in England and Ireland, that’s two. ........................................That’s seven. But why do you want to know?

Julia: Seven countries! ............................................................

James: Julia, why all these questions? How many jobs have I had? How many countries have I been to? What do they mean?

Julia: Well, James. .........................................................

James: I wouldn’t say that!

Julia: And I’ve decided to leave. I’ve decided to leave MAP Advertising.

4. Read the information about Tom Hall and answer the questions below.

Прочитайте информацию о Томе Холе и ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many jobs has he had?


2. Which languages has he learnt?


3. Where has he worked as a designer?


4. Which countries has he lived in?


5. Where did he get married?


6. Where has he been on business for MAP?


7. How long has he been married?


5. Read and try to learn the dialogue.

Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь выучить его.

Tom Hall: Julia! What’s the matter?

Julia: I’ve lost my briefcase. Or perhaps somebody has taken it. I don’t know.

Tom Hall: Oh, no. How did it happen? Sit down. Was there anything important in it?

Julia: Important! My cheque book, all the papers I need for work, my appointment book...

Tom Hall: That’s terrible. But how did you lose your briefcase?

Julia: Well, as you know I was with a client all morning and we had lunch together. After I had lunch, I went shopping. And when I wanted to buy something, I couldn’t find my cheque book. Then I recollected that it was in my briefcase. And the briefcase was in my car.

Tom Hall: So you went back to your car...

Julia: I went back to my car. No briefcase.

Tom Hall: And then you went to the police?

Julia: Not immediately. Before I went to the police station, I called the client’s office. No luck. They said the briefcase wasn’t there.

Tom Hall: (the phone is ringing) Yes, I am listening...Yes...Yes...Thank you.

Julia: Who was it?

Tom Hall: That was the manager of the Europa restaurant. Just after lunch today he found a black leather briefcase under a table.

Julia: Yes?

Tom Hall: When he opened the case, he found a lot of papers. He said that they had the name MAP on them. And he found a cheque book with your name on it.

6. Read this text.

Прочитайте текст.

A Californian Firefighter

Christine Bahr works as a firefighter in California. She has worked here for almost ten years. She has seen a lot of accidents in her life. She is recollecting a fire that happened in Oakland not far from San Francisco.

In the morning she had a lot of work to do in the office. Then she heard the reports of fire and set off for Oakland.

She was shocked. When they turned a corner, they saw a 30-foot jet of gas shoot out at them – a broken gas line. When they turned another corner, there was a spluttering transformer. Everywhere there were power lines and burning vegetation.

When they got to the place, they were asked to fight an attic fire in one of the homes. After they made entry into the house, they climbed up a narrow staircase into a small room. And she only had a second to look around before the room filled with smoke, and it was too hard to stand up. So, they went down, back to the stairs.

Then Christine saw the photographs hanging on the wall. She felt that the people were going to lose their home. She thought: If I take these photos, they will at least have something. So, she snatched them off the wall, grabbed a towel and put them down in a neighbour’s yard.

It was awful to see so much burning. It was like someone dropped a bomb on Oakland.

A. Retell the text

Перескажите текст

B. Ask five questions about the text

Задайте пять вопросов к тексту

LESSON 10. What will happen


1. Answer the questions about yourself.

Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.

1. Do you believe in fortune-telling?

2. What do you think will change in the future in your family?

3. What will change in our country?

4. What will change in the world?

5. What will you do in summer?

6. Where will your children go for their summer holidays?

7. What car are you going to buy?

8. How are you going to improve your family welfare?

9. If you find a new job, what job will it be?

10. What will you do as soon as you learn to speak English well?

2. Make up some true sentences about your future. Use the phrases given.

Составьте несколько предложений о своем будущем.

Используйте данные выражения.

3. Complete the stories. Use the correct verb forms.

Закончите рассказы. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

4. Give these sentences in English.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если вы не последуете нашему совету, вы потеряете работу.


2. Как только он получит приглашение, он сразу же купит новый костюм.


3. Он никогда не верил в предсказание судьбы.


4. Когда он изменил свою точку зрения по этому вопросу?


5. Он живет у Балтийского моря с того времени, как родился.


6. Если он поедет за границу, это будет подходящий случай для него.



Активный словарь


1. colleague – коллега

2. staff – персонал

3. declaration – заявление, объявление

4. marriage – брак, замужество

5. matrimony – супружество

6. symbol – символ, эмблема

7. token – знак, подарок на память

8. witness – свидетель

9. registrar – чиновник-регистратор

10. fog – туман

11. intelligence – интеллект, сведения, разведка

12. light – свет

13. conclusion – вывод, заключение

To draw a conclusion – делать вывод

14. forecast – предсказание, прогноз

weather forecast – прогноз погоды

15. headquarters – штаб, главное управление

16. observation – наблюдение

17. preparation – подготовка

18. showers – ливни

19. sunshine – солнечный свет

20. world – мир, вселенная


1. cool – прохладный

2. sunny – солнечный

3. windy – ветреный

4. rainy – дождливый

5. talented – талантливый

6. ground-based – наземный

Ground-based observations – наземные наблюдения

7. famous – знаменитый, известный

8. lawful – законный

9. solemn – торжественный

10. educational – образовательный

Educational computer – компьютер, используемый в образовательных целях

11. hard – жесткий, твердый, сложный

12. low – низкий

low flame – слабый огонь

13. beneficial – выгодный, полезный

14. thick – густой

Thick soup – густой суп


1. boil – варить

2. bake – печь, выпекать

At the baker’s – в булочной

3. fry – жарить

Fried fish – жареная рыба

4. persuade – убеждать

5. declare – объявлять/заявлять

6. book – бронировать

to book seats – забронировать места

7. steal (stole-stolen) – воровать, красть

8. apply – обращаться за

to apply for help – обратиться за помощью


1. solemnly – торжественно

2. probably – вероятно

3. fast – быстро

4. continuously – непрерывно

5. nearly – почти, приблизительно

I’ve read nearly 500 pages.

6. not quite – не совсем

Word Combinations

1. on and off – время от времени

2. get married to smb – выходить замуж за/жениться на ком-либо

3. registry office – отдел записи актов гражданского состояния

4. Many Happy Returns (on that day) – С днем рождения

5. Well done! – отлично, здорово!

6. Cheers! – ура!

7. Here is to (you) – за ваше здоровье

8. a leaving party – прощальный вечер

9. fortune-teller – предсказатель будущего

10. carry on (doing smth) – продолжить

11. an awful lot of – ужас сколько

12. clear away – рассеиваться (о тумане, облаках)

13. Middle East – Ближний Восток

14. to grow dark – темнеть

It is growing/getting dark.

15. it rains/snows – идет дождь/снег

1. Match the word with the translation.

Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом.

2. Make word combinations.

Составьте словосочетания.

3. Make up sentences using the words. Ask a question to it with the word given below.

Составьте утвердительные предложения, используя данные слова.

Задайте к каждому предложению по одному вопросу со словом, указанным ниже.

Example: beneficial, marriage


Your marriage was very beneficial. Was the marriage solemn?

1. showers, world



2. to apply, registrar

...carry on


3. to persuade, to get married to



4. hard, forecast

...to steal


5. low, to fry



6. to book, colleague

...on and off


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