Интернет-журнал 'Домашняя лаборатория', 2007 №3 - Вудворт
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A simple homemade Van de Graaff generatorIn the previous two projects, we stole high voltage from a television set to power our high voltage motors. In this project we will build a device that can generate 12,000 volts from an empty soda can and a rubber band.
The device is called a Van de Graaff generator. Science museums and research facilities have large versions that generate potentials in the hundreds of thousands of volts. Ours is more modest, but is still capable of drawing 1/2 inch sparks from the soda can to my finger. The spark is harmless, and similar to the jolt you get from a doorknob after scuffing your feet on the carpet.
To build the toy, you need:
��An empty soda can
��A small nail
��A rubber band, 1/4 inch by 3 or 4 inches
��A 5x20 millimeter GMA-Type electrical fuse (such as Radio Shack #270-1062)
��A small DC motor (such as Radio Shack #273�223)
��A battery clip (Radio Shack #270�324)
��A battery holder (Radio Shack #270�382)
��A styrofoam cup (a paper cup will also work)
��A hot glue gun (or regular glue if you don't mind waiting)
��Two 6 inch long stranded electrical wires (such as from an extension cord)
��Two pieces of 3/4 inch PVC plumbing pipe, each about 2 or 3 inches long
��One 3/4 inch PVC coupler
��One 3/4 inch PVC T connector
��Some electrical tape
��A block of wood
That sounds like a lot of stuff, but take a look at the step-by-step photos below, and you will find that the whole project can easily be put together in an evening, once all the parts have been collected.
We'll start at the bottom, and work our way up.
The first thing to do is to cut a 2 to 3 inch long piece of 3/4 inch PVC pipe, and glue that to the wooden base. This piece will hold the generator up, and allow us to remove it to more easily replace the rubber band, or make adjustments.
The PVC "T" connector will hold the small motor. The motor fits too loosely by itself, so we wrap paper or tape around it to make a snug fit. The shaft of the motor