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Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук

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A. How...................does the bus....................?

B. Every five......................

A. How..................will it..................me to get to the bus stop?

B. A minute. We are standing.................it.

A. Will I have to....................the road?

B. Yes. Hurry up! The bus is.....................

A. Excuse me. Is..............a restaurant near here?

B. Not near here. But there’s a good one in Penn Road?

A. How do I.................to Penn Road?

B. You can go............bus or you may..................

A. Is it...................from here?

B. No. But you can easily lose your ................

A. But could you tell me the way there?

B. Certainly. Go straight.................. You’ll come to some.................... You’ll ..............to turn..................

Walk................. Denver Street ..................to the crossroads. Take the second...................on the right and...

A. Oh, I see. It is too difficult. You see, I am a ................here. And what bus will take me there?

B. .................bus.

9. Make up word combinations.

Составьте словосочетания.


Активная грамматика

Language focus 1

The Passive Voice (More practice)

Страдательный залог (Дополнительная практика)

1. Make up Passive sentences using the following Irregular verbs. Check for their forms.

Составьте страдательные предложения, используя данные неправильные глаголы. Проверьте правильность Вашего написания их форм.

2. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений.

3. Translate the sentences.

Переведите предложения.

1. Плата за проезд была нами отдана Сэму.


2. Почему замки будут установлены только завтра?


3. Все деньги будут храниться в конверте в сейфе.


4. Эта очаровательная кукла сделана из дерева.


5. Тебя будут спрашивать каждые двадцать минут.


6. Где купили эту еженедельную газету?


7. Что будет построено напротив вокзала?


8. Длина и ширина этой детали были даны в анкете.


Language focus 2

The Gerund


Герундий очень часто используется в английском языке. Эта форма образована от глагола, но в предложении отвечает на вопрос имени существительного «что?», например, walking, driving, taking. На русский язык может переводиться такими формами, как «гуляние» от глагола «гулять» или «зарабатывание» от глагола «зарабатывать»

Форма герундия используется после следующих, уже известных Вам, выражений:

I like driving. Я люблю (что?) вождение.

He is fond of swimming. Ему нравится плавание.

We are keen on reading. Мыувлекаемсячтением.

I am bored with talking to him. Я скучаю от разговоров/разговаривания с ним.

He enjoys skating. Ему очень нравится катание на коньках.

She hates cooking dinner. Она ненавидит приготовление ужина.

Необходимо запомнить еще несколько выражений, которые очень часто используются в английском языке, и которые требуют после себя употребление герундия. Запоминать их нужно вместе с предлогами, которые следуют за ними (за некоторыми из них).

avoid – избегать

He avoids meeting him.

continue – продолжать

He should continue working here.

finish – заканчивать

He finished reading when he saw me.

start – начинать

She started cooking at 10 o’clock.

thank for – благодарить за

He thanked me for doing this job.

be proud of – гордиться

He is proud of doing it well.

afford – позволить(себе)

I can’t afford buying a car.

be tired of – устать

He was tired of swimming.

give up – бросить(привычку, занятие)

He gave up learning English.

be engaged in – бытьзанятым(чем-либо)

He is engaged in drawing.

apologize for – извиняться за

He apologized for smoking there.

spend time/money on/in – тратить время/деньги на

You shouldn’t spend time on looking for him.

object to – возражать против

He objected to my going there.

be accused of – быть обвиненным

He was accused of killing him.

be worth (while) – стоить

This book is worth (while) reading.

be afraid of – бояться

He was afraid of losing her.

4. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

5. Complete the sentences.

Дополните предложения.

He enjoys.......................................................................

We are fond of.................................................................

He objects to...................................................................

He is never tired of............................................................

He was accused of.............................................................

He couldn’t give up............................................................

He tries to avoid................................................................

Thank you for..................................................................

It is worth.......................................................................

I can’t afford...................................................................

He started.....................................................................

She was proud of.............................................................

I wanted to continue.........................................................

She is keen on................................................................

They were afraid of..........................................................

He isn’t engaged in..........................................................

6. Make up the sentences of your own using the following Gerunds.

Составьте свои предложения, используя следующи еформы герундия.

7. Give the sentences in English.

Переведите на английский язык.


1. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why do we sometimes avoid using public transport?

2. Why do we sometimes give up driving in the city centre?

3. Which is the best way to get around your town?

4. Which is the bus/taxi/train fare?

5. Do you have to change when you are going to work?

6. Which places in your town can you call fascinating? Why?

7. Why can your town attract visitors?

8. Do bus drivers sell tickets?

9. Do buses in your town usually run on time?

10. Why are we sometimes tired of driving?

2. Agree or disagree. Explain your ideas.

Согласитесь или опровергните данные суждения. Объясните своемнение.

1. People usually prefer travelling by train to travelling by plain.

2. Public transport is always packed.

3. We have to buy our bus tickets in a shop.

4. A weekly ticket is cheaper than a one-day ticket.

5. Going by an overland train is faster than by tube.

6. It isn’t worth while driving in the town centre.

7. There are now shopping centres not far from people’s home.

8. When people go to the theatre they try not to use public transport.

9. There is no way that people can get any reductions.

10. Bus drivers stop the bus only at the bus stops.

3. Order and read the dialogue. Try to learn it.

Расставьте реплики в правильной последовательности и прочитайте диалог. Постарайтесь его запомнить.

4. Match the questions to the answers.

Найдите подходящие по смыслу ответы.

5. Read the dialogue. Try to learn it.

Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь выучить его.

Karl: How do we get to the museum?

Julia: First we go by bus and then we go by tube.

Karl: Tube? What’s that? You buy toothpaste in tubes.

Julia: The tube is another word for the underground.

Karl: Oh, I see. How far is it from the station to the museum?

Julia: Oh, not far. Half a kilometer.

Karl: And how long does it take?

Julia: From Holborn Station?

Karl: No, from here. The whole journey.

Julia: About three quarters of an hour.

Karl: In Munich I go everywhere by tram Are there trams in London?

Julia: No. My grandmother told me that there were trams when she was young. But not now. I don’t know why.

Karl: How often do these buses run?

Julia: Every ten minutes.

Karl: But you said it ten minutes ago. Come on, Julia. Let’s get a taxi.

Julia: Karl, taxis are expensive.

Karl: But it’s not far to the hotel. It won’t cost much.

6. Read this text.

Прочитайте текст.

Paul Money’s Canal Boat

Paul Money has a canal boat. He takes passengers and shows them the canal and its attractions.

They go from Little Venice down to Hampstead Road Lock. The journey down to Hampstead Road Lock is a distance of about two and a half miles, so that’s five miles in total. And the return journey takes one and a half hours.

The journey goes through the tunnel under Maida Hill, which is about 250 metres long. By canal standards it’s quite short, it’s one of the shorter tunnels on the system. Some tunnels go as much as three miles in length.

The fastest that the boat travels is about four and three quarter miles an hour, but the speed limit is actually four miles an hour. The journey makes its way around the north-west edge of Regent’s Park through the London Zoo. The passengers are always attracted by the animals and birds living here.

In the high summer they make four trips a day. The return fare for an adult is four pounds fifty, or a single fare three pounds fifty. Then there are reductions for children and pensioners.

Complete the sentences.

Закончите предложения.

1. The distance between Little Venice and Hampstead Road Lock is................................

2. The way there and back takes about...................................................................

3. The main attractions on the way are...................................................................

4. Thee tunnel is............................................................................................

5. The speed limit on the canal is........................................................................

6. The return fare for an adult is..........................................................................




Find an extra word in each line.The first is done for you.

Найдите лишнее слово в каждой сроке. Первая строка дана как пример.


Choose the correct word.

Выберите подходящее слово.

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