06. Honor Under Siege - Неизвестный
Lucinda sat back down. “Who don’t you trust here?”
“The better question is, who do I trust.” Cam shrugged. “I trust you, but there are too many eyes and ears in this building and all over this city.” Cam laughed bitterly. “Hell, the CIA put people inside an escort service. You can bet they have them in the White House.”
“It’s unorthodox to work that far outside the system.”
“Matheson came after Blair,” Cam said flatly. “I’ll do whatever I have to do with or without anyone’s approval.”
Lucinda glanced at Blair. “It boggles my mind that you haven’t killed her.”
“It was touch and go for a while when we first met.” Blair smiled softly and entwined her fingers with Cam’s. “Once you get to know her, of course, you discover…she’s just as dangerous as she sounds.”
“And what about the wedding,” Lucinda said dryly. “Considering recent events, have you two decided to take the prudent course and delay?”
Cam eased back against the sofa and said nothing.
“We’re getting married Thanksgiving weekend in Colorado,” Blair said. “You can try to keep it a secret if you want to, but it’s going to leak and we all know it, so you might as well go ahead and announce the details.”
Lucinda shook her head. “You’re sure?”
“We’ve been sure for a long time,” Blair said.
“And until then?”
“We’re going back to Whitley Point,” Cam said, “to finalize details for purchasing the house. We’d also like to arrange for renovation of the Aerie.”
“I thought we’d decided that the security breach was too severe to risk Blair returning.”
“We need a place to live in Manhattan if Cam’s base of operations is there,” Blair said. “And that’s my home.”
“Blair and I talked about it on the flight down here,” Cam said. “The breach wasn’t because of an inherent problem with building security, but because Matheson had an inside person providing him with details and access. Instead of reinventing the wheel somewhere else, we’ll correct for weaknesses there.”
“I’ll discuss it with the president.” Lucinda held up her hand when Blair started to protest. “You can save the damn declaration of independence, Blair. There are some things he wants to know about, and your security is one of them. That’s the way it is.”
“Okay,” Blair said quietly. “But I’ll talk to him about it, okay?”
“I suppose it is a father-daughter thing.” Lucinda smiled fleetingly. “So, where are we then?”
“Well,” Cam said, “we know our enemy, which is the critical element necessary to win any war. We have the best people anywhere in the world working for us. And we have every reason in the world to prevail, so eventually, we will.” She smiled at Blair. “As to the immediate future, Blair and I have a wedding to prepare for.”
Blair pulled Cam to her feet and slid an arm around her waist. “Finally, a plan I can’t find anything to argue with.”
Lucinda laughed. “Will wonders never cease.”
“No,” Blair said, kissing Cam tenderly, “not in this lifetime.”