Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. .............house is in Spain.
A. their B. them C. us
2. Tell...............about this country.
A. our B. us C. she
3. ..................are not from Japan.
A. he B. they C. our
4. They are ................children.
A. we B. its C. his
5. Take this book. Give..................to the manager, please.
A. her B. them C. it
6. I want to tell...................the story.
A. them B. its C. me
7. Give.....................this banana, please.
A. he B. me C. our
8. .................street is in the north.
A. me B. it C. our
9. ................have a nice bar.
A. they B. our C. her
10. This is................new car.
A. us B. it C. my
5. Write your own sentences with the following pronouns.
Напишите свои предложения со следующими местоимениями.
Example: (they) They live in the north of Russia.
6. Write in the correct form of the verb «to be».
Впишите правильную форму глагола «to be».
1. Our house...........lovely.
2. Their children (not)...................at the bank.
3. We ..................in the east of Spain now.
4. ................it your new car?
5. Where..................their managers?
6. What....................his nationality?
7. They (not)...................secretaries, they..................lawyers.
8. ................I your new managing director?
9. Where..................our documents?
10. It (not)......................my address.
1. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.
Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.
2. Speak about yourself. Choose the correct variant.
Расскажите о себе. Выберите верный вариант предложения.
1. I am / am not married.
2. My country is / is not big.
3. The day is / isn’t lovely.
4. My friends are / aren’t from Italy.
5. My children are / aren’t big.
6. My name is / isn’t Ann.
7. My work is / isn’t interesting.
8. My company is / isn’t good.
9. I am / am not a manager.
10. My town is / isn’t in the north.
Close your eyes. Try to recollect as many sentences as possible.
Закройте глаза. Постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше предложений из только что составленных.
3. Read the dialogues and try to remember them.
Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их выучить.
Sarah: Good morning.
Martin: Good morning. How are you?
Sarah: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Martin: I’m O.K. It is a lovely day today.
Sarah: Yes. Where are your friends?
Martin: They are in Dublin?
Sarah: In Dublin? Where is Dublin?
Martin: It is in Ireland.
Sarah: Are you from Ireland?
Martin: No, I’m from Britain.
David: What is your job?
Mary: I’m a guide.
David: Where is your company?
Mary: It’s in London.
David: Where are you from?
Mary: I’m from Dover.
David: Where is Dover?
Mary: It’s in the south-east of Britain.
David: Oh. Is the transport good?
Mary: The transport to London? Yes, it is good.
4. Say what you would like to.
Скажите, что Вы хоте ли бы.
Example: I would like / I’d like to work here.
5. Read the answer. What is the question?
Прочитайте ответы. Какими должны быть вопросы?
1. ........................................................................
Yes, I’d like to tell you about London.
2. ........................................................................
They are from Italy.
3. ........................................................................
I’m fine, thanks.
4. ........................................................................
5. ........................................................................
I’m an accountant.
6. Read the dialogues and try to remember them.
Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их запомнить.
In the shop 1.
A: Good morning, Denis Shevchuk.
B: Good morning. I’d like a book about India.
A: Yes, please.
B: Oh, it is lovely. How much is it?
A: It is ten dollars.
B: Five, ten.
A: Thank you.
B: Good bye.
A: Good bye.
In the shop 2.
A: Good evening.
B: Good evening. Excuse me, please. Can I help you?
A: Yes, please. I’d like a video cassette, please.
B: What video cassette? Would you like a film?
A: Yes, I would like to see a foreign film.
B: We have an interesting film about America.
A: It’s lovely.
B: Would you like to take it?
A: Yes, please. How much is it?
B: It’s 10 pounds.
A: Thank you.
Make your own dialogues in the shop.
Составьте подобные диалоги на тему «В магазине».
7. Read this text.
Прочитайте текст.
Sam’s job
My name is Denis Shevchuk. I work for INTERFINANCE company. It is in London. I’m a manager. We help children to get a job for their summer holidays. I work on a computer. I get some information and put it on the computer. My work is interesting. I want to help the children. I ask them some questions about their day, their hobbies, their family.
Where are you from?
I’m from the north of London.
O.K. The north of London. What is your telephone number?
It’s 54-44-66.
What would you like?
I would like to work in a hotel.
Thank you.
Tell me about yourself. About your family. About your friends.
Are the sentences true or false?
Верны или не верны данные предложения?
1. Sam is the managing director in R&D company.
2. His work is not interesting.
3. Dorris is from the north of London.
4. Her E-mail is 54-44-66.
5. She would like to work in a hotel.
Lesson 2. Around the world
1. Answer the questions about yourself.
Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.
1. What is your name / surname?
– My name / surname is ........................
2. Where do you live? What is your address?
– I live in .......................(flat and house number, street, town, country)
3. Where do you work?
– I work for ...................(firm, company)
4. Are you married or single?
– I am ............................................
5. Do you have children?
– I have / don’t have ...........................
6. What is your hobby?
– I like ...............................(to play computer games, to go fishing, to eat in restaurants, to travel, to do sports)
7. How old are you?
– I’m ...............................................
2. Make questions and answers from the following words.
Составьте вопросительные и утвердительные предложения, используя данные слова.
3. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Откуда Вы родом?
2. У Вас есть дети?
3. Мое хобби – компьютерные игры.
4. Как Ваша фамилия?
5. Где Вы работаете?
6. Я – инженер в компании Радо.
7. У меня трое детей.
8. Вы замужем или разведены?
9. Какой Ваш телефонный номер?
10. Я работаю в компании INTERFINANCE.
Активный словарь
1. Match the word with the translation.
Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом.
2. Match the words to make word combinations.
Составьте словосочетания.
3. Complete the gaps with a suitable word or phrase from the Word Box.
Вставьте пропущенные слова и фразы, взяв их из таблицы.
1. This car is ............................Japan.
2. What is your ............................?
3. I’d like to buy a ....................................to London, please.
4. Are you single or ........................................?
5. I want to read this ................................................
6. I don’t .................................this man.
7. I speak three foreign .............................................
8. I go to work ...........................................
9. The car is .......................................the house.
10. The day is very ....................................
11. I ..........................my car to work.
12. I can................................pizza.
13. They .................................new information every day.
14. We want to ..............................work in the morning.
4. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Этот компьютер сделан в Англии.
2. Я получаю письма каждый день.
3. Я бы хотел поиграть в футбол около дома.
4. Я бы хотел предпринять путешествие в Россию.
5. Эта газета очень большая.
6. Мы не знаем этого иностранного языка.
7. Я вижу закусочную за твоим домом.
8. Мы хотим купить билет в Африку.
9. Наши дети ходят в школу.
10. Я хочу посмотреть их письмо.
5. Write the questions and give negative answers.
Напишите вопросы к данным предложениям и дайте отрицательные ответы на них.
Example: The ticket is old.
Is the ticket old? The ticket isn’t old.
1. The stamp is made in France.
2. We are in the sandwich bar.
3. Their newspapers are on the table.
4. My brother is divorced.
5. The cars are behind the garage.
6. Their occupation is interesting.
7. Our house is large.
8. I am near the school.
9. The days are very cold.
10. She is in a foreign country.
6. Write your own sentences with the words given.
made in Japan
every day
in front of the house
don’t know
Language focus 1Countries and nationalities
Страны и национальности
7. Complete the sentences.
Закончите предложения.
1. I am from Germany. I am.................................................
2. I am from the United States of America. I’m...........................
3. He is from Russia. He is...................................................
4. She is from Spain. She is..................................................
5. We are from China. We are..............................................
6. He is from Great Britain. He is..........................................
7. They are from Egypt. They are..........................................
8. Fill in the form.
Дополните анкету.
Write about those people.
Example: Samuel is from France. He is.................................................
Language focus 2Speech patterns
Речевые образцы
How are you? – Как вы поживаете?
I’m fine, thanks. – Спасибо, хорошо.
I don’t understand. – Я не понимаю.