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Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук

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performed, looked, actually, point, pair

1. Short skirts are now in the....................................

2. This dress....................very well.

3. At the meeting we discussed a very important..............................

4. We can offer these two blouses – so you have the...............................

5. The day was really..................................!

6. Last Friday we bought a ................................of new black boots.

7. At this time there are a lot of....................................in the shop.

8. These accessories don’t.......................................your suit.

9. My little brother......................................very well. He played the violin.

10. .............................. I don’t want to buy this dress.

11. Where is the.....................................? I’d like to try it on.

12. I am....................................to find a new husband.

13. Your sister ..................................good at the show.

3. Translate into English.

Переведите на английский язык.

4. Write your own sentences with the words given.

Напишите свои предложения с указанными словами.

Language focus 1

Speech patterns

Речевые образцы

5. Translate the sentences.

Переведите предложения.

1. The skirt fits perfectly, but I don’t like the colour.


2. I’d like several basic clothes.


3. Shall I bring you a longer dress?


4. I think, this suit doesn’t fit.


5. We have this shirt in several sizes and colours.


6. Would you like to try on this tracksuit top?


7. – Thank you. – It’s my pleasure.


8. Take a look at this pair of earrings. They are the latest fashion.


6. Complete the dialogues.

Дополните диалоги подходящими репликами.


Shop-assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?


Shop-assistant: A short or a long one?


Shop-assistant: How about this one? ...........................................

Customer: No, thank you. I don’t like the colour.

Shop-assistant: I see.


Customer: Can I try on this coat?

Shop-assistant: Of course. .....................................................

Customer: I think, ten.

Shop-assistant: Well, this is size twelve. ...............................................

Customer: Yes, please.

Shop-assistant: Here you are.

Customer: Thank you.

Shop-assistant: .............................................................


Customer: What size is this dress?

Shop-assistant: It’s size ten. Would you like to try it on?

Customer: No thank you. It’s for my daughter.

Shop-assistant: .............................................................

Customer: Size eight or ten.

Shop-assistant: ......................................................................

Customer: Longer ones.

Shop-assistant: ......................................................................

Customer: Well, it looks nice. ............................................................

Shop-assistant: Yes, we have it in blue and in dark blue.

Customer: I think, dark blue will be great.


Customer: Oh, yes. I think, I’ll take it.

7. Make up your own dialogues.

Составьте свои собственные диалоги.

A. You are going to buy the sport shoes for your husband.

B. You’d like to buy an evening dress.

C. You want to buy some clothes for your sister’s baby.

D. You are going to buy some basic clothes for yourself.

Language focus 2

Reflexive Pronouns

Возвратные местоимения

8. Complete the answers to the questions using reflexive pronouns.

Дополните ответы на вопросы, используя возвратные местоимения.

1. Who repaired the car for you? Nobody, I...........................................................

2. Who bought this cotton jacket for your sister. She................................................

3. Who cleaned your flat? We...........................................................................

4. Who performed n the stage? Our children..........................................................

5. Does he want me to try on his suit? No, he’ll......................................................

6. Did she take off Lisa’s shoes? No, Linda ..........................................................

7. How awful! Did you talk to the door? No, the door...............................................

8. Shall I go home? No, look after your dogs.........................................................

9. Put in reflexive pronouns or me/you/us/them/him/her/it.

Вставьте возвратные местоимения или местоимения me/you/us/them/him/her/it

1. She looked into the water and saw..............................................

2. She looked into the water and saw.............................................. He took off his hat and smiled.

3. Could you pass........................................some bread, please?

4. My father died and left........................................without any money.

5. He wants to try on this coat..............................................

6. She is going to buy a tracksuit top for...........................................

7. Alice has got no money. Jane is going to buy clothes for.........................................

8. Take this jacket. You might need.........................................on your way.

9. Let’s wait. The weather will change..............................................

10. I won’t be able to perform.........................................

10. Write your own sentences with the following pronouns.

Напишите предложения с данными местоимениями.


Активная грамматика

Language focus 1



«Too» – «слишком» употребляется перед прилагательными, наречиями:

The dress was too expensive.

The trousers are too long.

There are too many people in the shop.

The shop is too far away.

«Enough» – «достаточно» употребляется перед существительным:

There are enough clothes in the supermarket.

I haven’t got enough money.

Но после прилагательных и наречий:

The dress isn’t long enough.

The scarves aren’t good enough.

She smiled prettily enough.

1. Complete the sentences with too/enough

Вставьте too/enough

1. I won’t buy this dress It’s (expensive)....................................................................

2. I can’t eat this food. It’s (hot)..............................................................................

3. We won’t discuss those points. They aren’t (important)...............................................

4. You have got (gloves)......................................................................................

5. He didn’t get the job because he didn’t have (knowledge)............................................

6. This shirt is (big)...............................................for me. I need a smaller size.

7. She can’t take part in the fashion show. She is (young)...............................................

8. He can’t buy the basic clothes. He doesn’t have (money).............................................

2. Make up your own sentences with the word combinations.

Составьте свои собственные предложения со словосочетаниями.

3. Read and translate the sentences.

Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

4. Four of the sentences have a mistake.Find and correct it.

Найдите ошибку в четырех из данных предложений.

Language focus 2

As ... as

Not so ... as

Выражения «такой же ... как»

«не такой ... как»

Для сравнения предметов по одному признаку используются выражения «as...as» и «not so...as».


Он такой же умный, как и его отец.

He is as clever as his father.

Она не такая отчаянная, какой была десять лет назад.

She is not so desperate as she was ten years ago.

5. Make up as many sentences as possible.

Составьте как можно больше предложений.

Example: These shoes are not so expensive as those sandals.

6. Make up your own sentences with the word combinations.

Составьте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями.

7. Ask further questions. Give negative answers.

Задайте дальнейшие вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы.

Example: He is really intelligent. Is he as intelligent as his father? No, he is not so intelligent as his father.

8. Complete the sentences. Use the structures «as...as», «not so...as».

Закончите предложения. Используйте структуры «as...as», «not so...as».

1. Is she........................................................................................................?

2. Our friend...................................................................................................

3. Our house...................................................................................................

4. Were you....................................................................................................

5. Are her clothes..............................................................................................?

6. This jumper is...............................................................................................

7. Is your husband............................................................................................?

8. Are these gloves...........................................................................................?


1. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы$7

1. What clothes do you prefer wearing?

2. How can you choose flattering clothes?

3. Where do you buy the accessories?

4. What accessories go with your outfit?

5. Are you in the fashion?

6. Do you always buy clothes that excite your husband/wife?

7. Do you always try on clothes before you buy them?

8. What did you wear at your wedding party?

9. Are you desperate to look good?

10. How often do you wear casual clothes?

2. Make up stories using the following words and word combinations.

Составьте рассказы, используя данные слова и выражения.

A. buyer, options, outfit, not so expensive as, a few dresses, cotton, silk, to try on, to take off, fashion, too large.

B. uniform, size, changing room, not formal enough, enough money, pale, point, accessories.

C. desperate, flattering, to look, actually, registry office, to go with, key point, not so exciting as, What a pity.

3. Translate into English. Make up mini-dialogues (3–4 phrases) with the following sentences.

Переведите на английский данные предложения. Составьте мини-диалоги (3–4 фразы), используя каждую из этих реплик.

1. Не хотели бы Вы примерить это?

2. Какой у Вас размер?

3. Это плохо сидит (не подходит).

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