В поисках энергии. Ресурсные войны, новые технологии и будущее энергетики - Дэниел Ергин
10. Interview with Peter Varadi; Peter Varadi, lecture, 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 7–11, 2004.
11. Interview with Paul Maycock.
12. Interview with Paul Maycock.
13. Interview with Peter Varadi.
14. Interviews with Naohiro Amaya (“very apprehensive”) and Taichi Sakaiya; Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1991), p. 688 (Ginza).
15. Paul D. Maycock and Edward N. Stirewalt, A Guide to the Photovoltaic Revolution: Sunlight to Electricity in One Step (Emmaus: Rodale, 1985), pp. 67–69.
16. Sanyo Corporation, “Solar Global Site,” at http://www.sanyo.com/solar/history/index.html; Sharp Corporation, “Solar Global Website,” at http://sharp-solar.com/index.html; International Energy Agency, “National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Japan 2002,” May 2003 (“solar roofs”); interview with Atul Arya (“shocked”).
17. Interviews with Jean Posbic, Hermann Scheer, and Anton Milner.
18. Wall Street Journal, October 12, 2006 (“by accident”); Time, October 17, 2007; Bill Powell, “China’s New King of Solar,” Fortune, February 11, 2009.
19. Interview with Shi Zhengrong.
20. Associated Press, September 8, 2009; New York Times, September 9, 2009.
21. European Photovoltaic Industry Association and Greenpeace, Solar Generation 6: Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Empowering the World 2011, http://www.epia.org/.
22. Cleantech Group, “Clean Technology Venture Investment Totaled $ 5.6 billion in 2009 Despite Non-binding Climate Change Accord in Copenhagen, Finds the Cleantech Group and Deloitte,” press release, January 6, 2010; Peachtree Capital Advisors, 2010 Greentech M&A Review, January 12, 2011.
23. Interview with David Carlson.
24. Daniel Clery, “Sending African Sunlight to Europe, Special Delivery,” Science 329, no. 5993 (2010) pp. 782–83 (Desertec); Fortune, July 21, 2008 (land rush).
25. Lawrence Makovich, Patricia DiOrio, and Douglas Giuffre, “Renewable Portfolio Standards: Getting Ahead of Themselves,” IHS CERA, 2008 (another layer); interviews with Paul Maycock and Anton Milner.
26. Interview with Paul Maycock.
Глава 29. Загадка ветра
1. Raymond Chandler, “Red Wind,” in Trouble Is My Business (New York: Vintage, 1988), p. 162.
2. U. S. Department of Energy, 20 % Wind Energy By 2030: Increasing Wind Energy’s Contribution to U. S. Electricity Supply (Springfield, VA: U. S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service, 2008); Global Wind Energy Council and Greenpeace International, “Global Wind Energy Outlook 2010,” October 2010.
3. Edward J. Kealey, Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century England (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), ch. 6.
4. Lynn White Jr., Medieval Technology & Social Change (London: Oxford University Press, 1964), pp. 88–89; Carlo M. Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy 1000–1700 (New York: W. W. Norton, 1993), p. 144 (“distant announcement”).
5. W. O. A., “The Storage of Wind Power,” Scientific American XLIX, no. 2 (1883), p. 17; Robert Righter, Wind Energy in America: A History (Norman: University of Oklahoma, Norman Press, 1996), pp. 45–47, 52 (“more than offset”).
6. Righter, Wind Energy in America, p. 94 (“Cheapest Power”).
7. Palmer Putnam, Putnam’s Power from the Wind, ed. Gerald Koeppl (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982), p. 3 (“surprisingly high”).
8. New York Times, August 31, 1941.
9. Righter, Wind Energy in America, p. 136 (“precursor”).
10. Righter, Wind Energy in America, p. 174 (“We thought”).
11. John Berger, Charging Ahead: The Business of Renewable Energy and What It Means for America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), p. 157 (“suspend you”); interview with Chris Hunt; Righter, Wind Energy in America, p. 171 (“eyesore”).
12. Interview with James Dehlsen.
13. Interview with James Dehlsen; Ole Sonnichsen, The Winner: The Dramatic Story of Vestas (Copenhagen: Gads Forlag, 2009).
14. Henry Nielsen, Keld Nielsen, Flemming Petersen, and Hans Siggaard Jensen, “Riso National Laboratory: Forty Years of Research in a Changing Society,” Riso National Laboratory, 1998, pp. 3, 19 (“peaceful use”); Ole Sonnichsen, The Winner, p. 18.
15. Interview with James Dehlsen; Peter Asmus, Reaping the Wind: How Mechanical Wizards, Visionaries, and Profiteers Helped Shape Our Energy Future (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2001), pp. 42–43, 119; Righter, Wind Energy in America, p. 181 (90 percent).
16. Berger, Charging Ahead, p. 155; Righter, Wind Energy in America, pp. 230–31.
17. Forbes, July 18, 1983; Righter, Wind Energy in America, p. 209; Asmus, Reaping the Wind, p. 127 (“tax farms”).
18. Interview with James Dehlsen; Washington Post, November 17, 1991.
19. Interview with Robert Kelly.
20. Interview with Victor Abate.
21. World Wind Energy Association, World Wind Energy Report 2009 (Bonn: World Wind Energy Association Head Office, 2010).
22. Liu Zhenya, speech, Washington, D. C., April 24, 2009.
23. Interview (“precious resource”).
24. IHS Emerging Energy Research, “Global Wind Turbine Markets and Strategies: 2010–2025,” p. 1.13.
25. Interview with Tulsi Tanit (“beauty of wind”); Wall Street Journal, April 18, 2008 (“under pressure”).
26. IHS Emerging Energy Research, “Global Wind Plant Ownership Rankings 2009,” June 2010, p. 5.
27. Interview with Lew Hay III.
28. Lawrence Makovich, Patricia DiOrio, and Douglas Giuffre, “Renewable Portfolio Standards: Getting Ahead of Themselves,” IHS CERA, February 2008 (6 percent).
29. “PG& E Corp. Q2 Earnings Call,” transcript, August 6, 2008 (“gets hot”); Liu Zhenya, speech, Washington, D. C., April 24, 2009.
30. Interview (“awfully long way”).
31. 31. Interview with James Dehlsen; Jon Wellinghoff interview, GreenMonk, April 15, 2010, at http://www.ferc.gov/media/videos/wellinghoff/2010/04-15-10-wellinghoff-transcript-part-2.pdf.
32. 32. Interview.
33. 33. BBC News, September 23, 2010.
34. 34. Interview (“windiest places”).
35. 35. Interview.
36. 36. Boston Globe, April 28, 2010.
Глава 30. Пятый вид топлива – эффективность
1. National Academy of Sciences, Real Prospects for Energy Efficiency in the United States (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2010), p. 4; ExxonMobil, Outlook for Energy: A View to 2030, December 2010.
2. World Economic Forum and IHS CERA, Energy Vision Update 2010: Towards a More Energy Efficient World, 2010, p. 12; Barack Obama, “Remarks by the President on Energy,” June 29, 2009.
3. Alan Greenspan, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (New York: Penguin Press, 2007), p. 492.
4. Scott Murtishaw and Lee Schipper, “Disaggregated Analysis of U. S. Energy Consumption in the 1990s: Evidence of the Effects of the Internet and Rapid Economic Growth,” Energy Policy 29, no. 15 (2001) pp. 1335–56.
5. Wen Jiabao, speech, National Teleconference on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, April 27, 2007.
6. Erica Downs, “China’s Energy Rise,” in China’s Rise in Historical Perspective, ed. Brantly Womack (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), p. 181 (Jieneng Jianpai).
7. Wen Jiabao, speech, National Teleconference on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, April 27, 2007.
8. BBC Worldwide Monitoring, March5, 2010.
9. Joanna I. Lewis, “Decoding China’s Climate and Energy Policy Post-Copenhagen,” German Marshall Fund Policy Brief, June 2010; Hongyan H. Oliver, Kelly Sims Gallagher, Donglian Tian, and Jinhua Zhang, “China’s Fuel Economy Standards for Passenger Vehicles,” Energy Technology Innovation Policy research group, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March 2009.
10. Allison Hannon, Ying Liu, Jim Walker, Changhua Wu, Delivering Low Carbon Growth: A Guide to China’s 12thFive Year Plan (The Climate Group with HSBC: March, 2011).
11. Neal Elliott and Anna Shipley, “Impacts of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy on Natural Gas Markets,” American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, April 2006, pp. 11, 21.
12. Andrew Liveris, speech, CERAWeek, March11, 2010.
13. Dow Corporation, “Dow Sustainability – Energy Efficiency and Conservation,” at http://www.dow.com/commitments/goals/energy.htm.
14. Andrew Liveris, speech, CERAWeek, March11, 2010; interview with Richard Wells; Andrew Liveris, Wall Street Journal 2008 Eco-Nomics Conference; interview with Andrew Liveris.
15. International Energy Agency, Tracking Industrial Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions: In Support of the G-8 Plan of Action (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2007), pp. 19, 34.
16. Jeffery Smisek, speech, CERA Week, March11, 2011; John Heimlich, “The Economic Climbout for US Airlines,” ATA Economics, June 2, 2011, presentation, January 24, 2007 (higher fuel efficiency).
17. U. S. International Air Passenger and Freight Statistics, Federal Communications Commission, 2007 (sharp ascent); David Nielson, chief engineer for Airport Strategy at Boeing, “Boeing’s Contribution to Aviation Sustainability,” Pacific Basin Development Council, August 27, 2007 (By 2026); Jeffery Smisek, speech, CERA Week, March11, 2011.
18. Observer, January 29, 2006 (“negative effects”); Rough Guides, press release, March 1, 2006; Times (London), July 23, 2006; Lonely Planet: Discover Europe (2010), p. 790.
19. Interview with Andris Piebalgs.
Глава 31. Разрыв в энергосбережении
1. Chicago Tribune, July 16, 1878 (“Apprehension”).
2. Leon Glicksman, “Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment,” Physics Today 61, no. 7 (2008), p. 2.
3. Gail Cooper, Air-Conditioning America: Engineers and Controlled Environment, 1900–1960 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998), pp. 9–10; Mechanical Engineering, May 2000 (jackets).