Английский язык с Джеромом К. Джеромом. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки (ASCII-IPA) - Jerome Jerome
In the present instance, we all talked as if we were going to have a long swim every morning (в настоящем случае мы все говорили /так/, будто собираемся подолгу купаться каждое утро).
ocean ['@uS(@)n] sprawling ['sprO:lIN] instance ['[email protected]]
One huge wave catches me up and chucks me in a sitting posture, as hard as ever it can, down on to a rock which has been put there for me. And, before I've said "Oh! Ugh!" and found out what has gone, the wave comes back and carries me out to mid-ocean. I begin to strike out frantically for the shore, and wonder if I shall ever see home and friends again, and wish I'd been kinder to my little sister when a boy (when I was a boy, I mean). Just when I have given up all hope, a wave retires and leaves me sprawling like a star-fish on the sand, and I get up and look back and find that I've been swimming for my life in two feet of water. I hop back and dress, and crawl home, where I have to pretend I liked it.
In the present instance, we all talked as if we were going to have a long swim every morning.
George said it was so pleasant to wake up in the boat in the fresh morning (Джордж сказал, так приятно проснуться в лодке свежим утром), and plunge into the limpid river (и погрузиться в прозрачную реку). Harris said there was nothing like a swim before breakfast to give you an appetite (Гаррис сказал, нет ничего лучше купания перед завтраком, чтобы возбудить аппетит). He said it always gave him an appetite (он сказал, это всегда вызывает у него аппетит). George said that if it was going to make Harris eat more than Harris ordinarily ate (Джордж сказал, что если это заставит Гарриса есть больше, чем он обычно ест), then he should protest against Harris having a bath at all (тогда он будет возражать против того, чтобы Гаррис вообще купался).
He said there would be quite enough hard work in towing sufficient food for Harris up against stream, as it was (он сказал, и так будет довольно тяжелой работой везти достаточно еды для Гарриса против течения; to tow — тянуть /баржу/ на бечеве; буксировать; as it is — и так, и без того).
I urged upon George, however, how much pleasanter it would be to have Harris clean and fresh about the boat (я доказывал Джорджу, тем не менее, насколько приятнее будет, если Гаррис будет /находиться/ чистым и свежим в лодке), even if we did have to take a few more hundredweight of provisions (даже если нам придется взять на несколько центнеров больше провизии; hundredweight — английский центнер /112 фунтов = 50,8 кг/); and he got to see it in my light, and withdrew his opposition to Harris's bath (и он посмотрел на это с моей точки зрения, и взял назад свое возражение против купания Гарриса; to get to — приниматься за; добраться до; to withdraw; light — свет, освещение; аспект; интерпретация; восприятие).
appetite ['&pItaIt] protest ['[email protected]] hundredweight ['[email protected]]
George said it was so pleasant to wake up in the boat in the fresh morning, and plunge into the limpid river. Harris said there was nothing like a swim before breakfast to give you an appetite. He said it always gave him an appetite. George said that if it was going to make Harris eat more than Harris ordinarily ate, then he should protest against Harris having a bath at all.
He said there would be quite enough hard work in towing sufficient food for Harris up against stream, as it was.
I urged upon George, however, how much pleasanter it would be to have Harris clean and fresh about the boat, even if we did have to take a few more hundredweight of provisions; and he got to see it in my light, and withdrew his opposition to Harris's bath.
Agreed, finally, that we should take three bath towels (/мы/ согласились, наконец, что возьмем три купальных полотенца), so as not to keep each other waiting (чтобы не заставлять друг друга ждать).
For clothes, George said two suits of flannel would be sufficient (что касается одежды, то Джордж сказал, двух костюмов из фланели будет достаточно), as we could wash them ourselves, in the river, when they got dirty (поскольку мы можем стирать их сами в реке, когда они запачкаются). We asked him if he had ever tried washing flannels in the river, and he replied (мы спросили его, пробовал ли он когда-нибудь стирать фланелевые /костюмы/ в реке, и он ответил): "No, not exactly himself like (нет, не совсем сам); but he knew some fellows who had, and it was easy enough (но он знает тех, кто стирал, и это было довольно просто; fellow — приятель, товарищ, коллега, собрат);" and Harris and I were weak enough to fancy he knew what he was talking about (Гаррис и я были достаточно слабы = слабохарактерны, чтобы вообразить/подумать, /будто/ он знает, о чем говорит; weak — слабый, нерешительный), and that three respectable young men, without position or influence (что три приличных молодых человека, без положения и влияния /в обществе/), and with no experience in washing (и без опыта стирки), could really clean their own shirts and trousers in the river Thames with a bit of soap (действительно смогут очистить = выстирать свои рубашки и брюки в Темзе с помощью куска мыла).
exactly [Ig'z&ktlI] influence ['[email protected]] trousers ['[email protected]]
Agreed, finally, that we should take three bath towels, so as not to keep each other waiting.
For clothes, George said two suits of flannel would be sufficient, as we could wash them ourselves, in the river, when they got dirty. We asked him if he had ever tried washing flannels in the river, and he replied: "No, not exactly himself like; but he knew some fellows who had, and it was easy enough;" and Harris and I were weak enough to fancy he knew what he was talking about, and that three respectable young men, without position or influence, and with no experience in washing, could really clean their own shirts and trousers in the river Thames with a bit of soap.
We were to learn in the days to come, when it was too late (нам пришлось узнать в последующие дни, когда было слишком поздно), that George was a miserable impostor, who could evidently have known nothing whatever about the matter (что Джордж — жалкий обманщик, который, очевидно, абсолютно ничего не знал: «не мог ничего знать» об этом деле). If you had seen these clothes after — but, as the shilling shockers say, we anticipate (если бы вы /только/ видели эту одежду потом — но, как говорят дешевые бульварные романы, мы забегаем вперед; shocker — что-либо потрясающее, сногсшибательное; to anticipate — ожидать, предвидеть; предвосхищать, делать раньше времени).
George impressed upon us to take a change of under-things and plenty of socks (Джордж убедил нас взять смену нижнего белья и много носков), in case we got upset and wanted a change (на случай, /если/ мы перевернемся и нам потребуется перемена /одежды/); also plenty of handkerchiefs, as they would do to wipe things (также много носовых платков, поскольку они пригодятся, чтобы вытирать вещи), and a pair of leather boots as well as our boating shoes, as we should want them if we got upset (и пару кожаных ботинок, а также наши лодочные туфли, которые могут нам понадобиться, если перевернемся).
We were to learn in the days to come, when it was too late, that George was a miserable impostor, who could evidently have known nothing whatever about the matter. If you had seen these clothes after — but, as the shilling shockers say, we anticipate.
George impressed upon us to take a change of under-things and plenty of socks, in case we got upset and wanted a change; also plenty of handkerchiefs, as they would do to wipe things, and a pair of leather boots as well as our boating shoes, as we should want them if we got upset.
(глава четвертая)
The food question (продовольственный вопрос; food — пища, питание; еда; продовольствие). — Objections to paraffine oil as an atmosphere (возражения против керосина как атмосферы = против всепроникающего керосина; paraffine oil — парафиновое масло; керосин). — Advantages of cheese as a travelling companion (преимущества сыра как спутника в путешествии). — A married woman deserts her home (замужняя женщина бросает свой дом). — Further provision for getting upset (дополнительные меры на случай опрокидывания /лодки/; provision — приготовление, резерв; мера предосторожности). — I pack (я укладываю /вещи/). — Cussedness of tooth-brushes (упрямство зубных щеток). — George and Harris pack (Джордж и Гаррис укладывают /вещи/). — Awful behaviour of Montmorency (ужасное поведение Монморенси). — We retire to rest (мы ложимся спать; to retire — уходить, удаляться; ложиться спать).
The food question. — Objections to paraffine oil as an atmosphere. — Advantages of cheese as a travelling companion. — A married woman deserts her home. — Further provision for getting upset. — I pack. — Cussedness of tooth-brushes. — George and Harris pack. — Awful behaviour of Montmorency. — We retire to rest.
THEN we discussed the food question (потом мы обсуждали вопрос провизии). George said: "Begin with breakfast (начнем с /утреннего/ завтрака)." (George is so practical (Джордж такой практичный).) "Now for breakfast we shall want a frying-pan (итак, для завтрака нам понадобится сковорода; to fry — жарить/ся/)" — (Harris said it was indigestible (Гаррис сказал, она трудно перевариваемая); but we merely urged him not to be an ass, and George went on (но мы лишь посоветовали ему не быть ослом, и Джордж продолжал; to urge — убеждать, /настоятельно/ советовать; to go on)) — "a tea-pot and a kettle, and a methylated spirit stove (чайник для заварки, чайник и спиртовка; stove — печь)."
"No oil (никакого керосина; oil — масло; нефть, смазочный материал)," said George, with a significant look; and Harris and I agreed (сказал Джордж с многозначительным взглядом, и мы с Гаррисом согласились).
desert (покидать, оставлять) [dI'[email protected]:t] behaviour [bI'[email protected]] breakfast ['[email protected]] indigestible [,IndI'[email protected]]
THEN we discussed the food question. George said:
"Begin with breakfast." (George is so practical.) "Now for breakfast we shall want a frying-pan" — (Harris said it was indigestible; but we merely urged him not to be an ass, and George went on) — "a tea-pot and a kettle, and a methylated spirit stove."
"No oil," said George, with a significant look; and Harris and I agreed.
We had taken up an oil-stove once, but "never again (мы взяли керосинку однажды, но больше никогда; to take up)." It had been like living in an oil-shop that week (это было как будто = мы словно жили в керосиновой лавке ту неделю). It oozed (он просачивался /всюду/; to ooze — медленно вытекать, просачиваться; незаметно распространяться). I never saw such a thing as paraffine oil is to ooze (я никогда не видел, чтобы что-нибудь просачивалось так, как керосин; to see). We kept it in the nose of the boat (мы держали его на носу лодки), and, from there, it oozed down to the rudder (оттуда он просачивался до /самого/ руля), impregnating the whole boat and everything in it on its way (пропитывая собой всю лодку и все на своем пути; to impregnate — оплодотворять; пронизывать, насыщать), and it oozed over the river, and saturated the scenery and spoilt the atmosphere (и он растекся по реке, пропитал пейзаж и испортил атмосферу = воздух; to saturate — насыщать, пропитывать; to spoil). Sometimes a westerly oily wind blew (иногда западный керосиновый ветер дул; to blow), and at other times an easterly oily wind (а порой восточный керосиновый ветер), and sometimes it blew a northerly oily wind (северный керосиновый ветер), and maybe a southerly oily wind (и, может быть, южный керосиновый ветер); but whether it came from the Arctic snows (но приходил ли он из полярных/арктических снегов), or was raised in the waste of the desert sands (или зарождался в песках пустыни; to raise — поднимать, повышать; выращивать; вызывать; waste — пустошь, пустыня; desert — пустыня), it came alike to us laden with the fragrance of paraffine oil (он всегда приходил к нам, нагруженный = насыщенный ароматом керосина; alike — одинаково, точно так же).