The Testing of a Wizard - Viktor Gitin
GELO – No, you didn’t understand me. I want to make everybody happy and forever. I want people to stop suffering from poverty and illnesses, so that all malice and envy will be replaced with love and sincerity. I want to stop all the wars and injustice, so that peace and beauty would rule the world. My intentions are pure and kind…
VEDALIA – (Laughs) And very naive! Dear Gelo, people do not care about good intentions, they only care about what they will get. So, it’s not important what motivates your actions, the important thing is what people get out of them. If it benefits them, then you are safe. But if it is unpleasant and useless then you should run as fast as you can. Nobody cares about good intentions. Your actions will be declared evil; you will be condemned and maybe even killed, so that you wouldn’t disturb their life. That’s why I give people what they want and ask for, and they are satisfied and happy by that. And in return I take a part of their soul. Since nothing is free in life. Just take a look at my splendid collection.
(Vedalia leads him to the mirror and with a movement of her hand shows him the pictures of life)
This is a high-ranking official, who serves in a neighbouring province. He sleeps very well, that’s why his work hours fly by. He doesn’t give a damn about the affairs in his department. The only thing that interests him is his own well-being. His happiness is money and personal safety. And for that he is willing to risk everything.
Here is a Judge of a county which lies near the river. He is so stupid that he still doesn’t know the difference between his right boot and his left one. But that doesn’t get in the way of him judging other people. His happiness consists of him stuffing himself with delicious food. I sometimes feel that he thinks with his belly, that is the only part of his body that works well.
And here is a famous general. A very brave man. With any danger in site, he is courageously ready to jump behind some bushes. And oh, so loving! He would chase after any bit of skirt. I had to supply him with a harem of girls, to satisfy his sexual appetite.
Here is a minister – who suffers from bad nerves and is also power-hungry. Take power away from him and he would die in hysteria. And he doesn’t even hesitate to rule others, without knowing how to rule himself, his feelings, and his desires! But I give him the possibility to rule. Or take a look at the Prime minister of the neighbouring kingdom. I like him very much.
GELO – What do you like about him?
VEDALIA – He is very cunning and always comes on-top out of any bad situation. And he always has the best laugh because he laughs last.
GELO – Maybe he laughs last because he is slow?
VEDALIA – Hmm… I didn’t think about that.
GELO – But all the things you give people are awful: gluttony, lust, and greed…
VEDALIA – You shouldn’t judge everyone by your own standards. The world has normal people too. Maybe it is awful to look at it, but it’s so delightful to indulge in these sins. Try it and you will love it.
GELO – I don't want to! I have my own weaknesses and defects. But I am trying to rid myself of them.
VEDALIA – What for?! Without them life is pale, boring, and pointless.
GELO – I don’t want to fall into a life of debauchery.
VEDALIA – My dear young friend! Debauchery is something you want to be a part of, but can’t, the rest is pleasure. Have you never thought that the more sins a person commits, the more pleasure he gets from life? People are a product of sin. Each person is sinful in essence and origin. That’s why the sins we commit all the time are the only natural form of existence in this world. To resist sinning means you’re violating your true self. Why should we deprive ourselves? Deprivation, which is directed at oneself, goes against human nature. That’s why the battle with your own sins is even a bigger sin. Those who go in this direction aren’t really purifying themselves. They are denying themselves from all human traits, which were imprinted in them since birth. They destroy themselves – within themselves. They turn themselves from a living flower to a twisted old branch, stone, and sand.
Look at those so-called holy hermits and those who go to extreme measures to remain sinless. What do they look like? Like a sparkling ray of sunlight or dark rotten piece of dry earth? What are they made up of: joy and light of life or faded exhaustion, waiting to reach their graves? Every one of them looks like a madman. For the illusory sake of reaching a Heavenly place, they reject what God has already bestowed on them. Life with all its joy and sadness, with all its virtuousness and vices is God’s gift. And if you reject one of these elements of life then you are rejecting the whole of God’s gift. Any flower wanting to grow and be fragrant needs not only water but manure and fertilizer. It is the same with people: for a fulfilling life they need not only virtue and goodness but temptation of sin and sensuality of vice. Otherwise, life loses its color and variety. It becomes bland and turns into a lifeless existence… So, if one wants to experience virtue and holiness one should experience vice and sin. Just have a go, and you will enjoy the boundless happiness of life.