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Английский язык с Р. Брэдбери. И грянул гром - Ray Bradbury

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He did not move (он не двигался). Eyes shut, he waited, shivering (глаза закрыты, он ждал, дрожа). He heard Travis breathe loud in the room (он слышал, как Тревис громко дышит в комнате); he heard Travis shift his rifle (он слышал, как Тревис перекладывает ружье: to shift — двигать), click the safety catch (нажимает на предохранитель), and raise the weapon (и поднимает ружье).

There was a sound of thunder (и грянул гром).

His face was cold. His mouth trembled, asking: "Who — who won the presidential election yesterday?"

The man behind the desk laughed. "You joking? You know very well. Deutscher, of course! Who else? Not that fool weakling Keith. We got an iron man now, a man with guts!" The official stopped. "What's wrong?"

Eckels moaned. He dropped to his knees. He scrabbled at the golden butterfly with shaking fingers. "Can't we," he pleaded to the world, to himself, to the officials, to the Machine, "can't we take it back, can't we make it alive again? Can't we start over? Can't we —"

He did not move. Eyes shut, he waited, shivering. He heard Travis breathe loud in the room; he heard Travis shift his rifle, click the safety catch, and raise the weapon.

There was a sound of thunder.

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