Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук
1. Does this house have...................................................................?
2. I would like to...........................................................................
3. He doesn’t like to live...................................................................
4. Where does she..........................................................................?
5. He thinks that.............................................................................
6. Could you.................................................................................?
7. My friends can’t..........................................................................
8. Do their children.........................................................................?
9. Why do they..............................................................................?
10. We don’t want to........................................................................
7. Read this text.
Life on a houseboat.
Truman Howel is an architect. He lives and works on a houseboat on the Mississippi river in the USA. He likes to show his friends around the houseboat.
He has many reasons to prefer this lifestyle. He enjoys the life on a houseboat because he has the freedom to move his house where he wants. Now he locates the houseboat near St Paul, in front of the bridge. He enjoys natural environment around his house. He can see many trees and animals. He can sometimes go fishing.
The houseboat has electrical power. It has natural gas that comes to the dock. It has the water from the public utility.
Truman has a bedroom, a small living room and a small office with a table and office equipment.
Truman often gets to the downtown, where he can go shopping or relax in a cafй or in the restaurant.
Are the sentences true or false?
Верны или не верны данные предложения?
1. Truman lives on the houseboat with his friends.
2. He enjoys this lifestyle.
3. He has natural environment.
4. The houseboat has central heating.
5. Truman has an office on the houseboat.
6. Truman works in the downtown.
Lesson 6. Spare time
1. Answer the questions about yourself.
Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.
1. Where do you work?
2. What do you like to do after work?
3. Do you like to go skiing / fishing?
4. What do you do at the weekend?
5. What do your children do at the weekend?
6. Do you like to cook at the weekend?
7. With whom do you like to relax?
8. Do you often go shopping at the weekend?
9. Do you study at the weekend?
10. Do you like to watch TV or listen to music in the evening?
2. Say what you like to do at the weekend and what you don’t like.
Скажите, чем Вы любите заниматься в выходные, а чем – нет.
To study English, to cook, to do homework with children, to play football with friends, to help about the house, to do the cleaning, to watch TV, to go shopping, to meet friends, to read newspapers, to see sights, to listen to music, to enjoy nature, to go downtown.
3. Say what would you like to do.
Скажите, чем бы Вы хотели заняться.
At the weekend I would like to..............................................................................
In summer I would like to....................................................................................
In winter I would like to.......................................................................................
In the evening I’d like to.......................................................................................
At the weekend my children would like to..................................................................
In the morning my husband / wife would like to............................................................
On holidays my family would like to........................................................................
4. Write down 10 sentences using the words in the Word Box.
Напишите 10 предложений, используя данные слова и выражения.
Stays at home, doesn’t go fishing, would like to rent a furnished house, have freedom, relaxing environment, don’t contact people, has a cottage, prefers to live downtown, likes animals, don’t have a loft.
5. Put the sentences in the logical order to make a story.
Расставьте предложения в логическом порядке так, чтобы получился рассказ.
It is expensive but the flat is lovely.
He rents a furnished flat in the town centre.
At the weekend they would like to go to a small town in the north.
Deny is a student.
He has many friends and at the weekend he always meets them.
Deny has a car and they can travel to various places.
He studies and works very much, but likes to relax too.
On holidays they see different sights.
They sometimes go to the cinema or to the theatre.
Three days a week he works as a translator to get money.
Активный словарь
Nouns1. hobby – хобби
2. exercise – упражнение
To do morning exercises
3. band – группа, оркестр
4. club – клуб
5. jazz – джаз
6. photography – фотографирование
7. photographer – фотограф
8. health – здоровье
9. midday – полдень
At midday – в полдень
10. midnight – полночь
At midnight – в полночь
11. cereal – крупа, мюсли
12. marmalade – джем
13. rice – рис
14. toast – тост
15. aerobics – аэробика
16. entertainment – развлечение
17. gym – спортивный зал
18. hour – час
19. medicine – лекарство
20. generation – поколение
21. parents – родители
22. daughter – дочь
Adjectives1. basic – основной
2. residential – жилой
3. special – особый, особенный
4. stressful – напряженный
5. useful – полезный
Verbs1. to go out – выходить (в ресторан)
2. to learn – учить, учиться
3. to paint – рисовать (красками)
4. to improve – улучшать
5. to use – использовать
6. to import – импортировать
7. to sell – продавать
8. to keep – хранить, держать
Word Combinations1. to get involved in – быть вовлеченным
2. to keep an eye on – следить за
3. the whole country – вся страна
4. to import textiles – импортировать ткани
5. to live separately – жить отдельно
6. to run business – вести дела
7. that’s all – Это все.
8. anything else? – что-нибудь еще?
9. Which one / ones? – Который/Какие?
10. some of those – несколько из тех
11. wholesale market – оптовый рынок
12. half past three – полтретьего
13. quarter to / past four – без четверти четыре/пятнадцать минут пятого
14. coffee break – перерыв на кофе
15. learning centre – учебный центр
16. spare time – свободное время
17. to ride a bicycle – кататься на велосипеде
18. just a minute – подождите минуточку (только минутку)
1. Complete the sentences using the words from the Active Vocabulary.
Дополните предложения, используя слова Активного Словаря.
1. My parents and I...........................................................................................
2. When I go shopping, I....................................................................................
3. In the morning he always.................................................................................
4. For breakfast I have.......................................................................................
5. In the gym we..............................................................................................
6. In my spare time I.........................................................................................
7. I have lunch at.............................................................................................
8. My daughter has..........................................................................................
9. I’d like to...................................................................................................
10. On weekdays we.........................................................................................
2. Fill in the gaps.
Заполните таблицу.
3. Make word combinations.
Составьте словосочетания.
4. Make sentences with the two words given.
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.
to paint
to paint
to sell
the whole
to go out
5. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Эта фирма импортирует ткани и лекарства.
2. На завтрак я ем тосты с мармеладом.
3. В спортивном зале мы занимаемся атлетикой и делаем упражнения.
4. Он любит кататься на велосипеде в свое свободное время.
5. Ваши родители покупают рис на оптовом рынке?
6. Моя дочь не любит развлечения, она не выходит по вечерам.
7. Мы хотим улучшить свое здоровье.
8. Вы любите рисовать? Это Ваше хобби?
9. Мои дети и я живем отдельно.
10. Эти три часа очень напряженные. Мы можем устроить (to have) перерыв на кофе?
Language focus 1Shops and goods
Магазины и товары
At the greengrocer’s – У зеленщика
At the butcher’s – В мясной лавке
At the baker’s – В булочной
At the newsagent’s – В отделе канцелярских товаров
At the chemist’s – В аптеке
At the supermarket – В супермаркете
At the post office – На почте
At the cafe – В кафе
In the shop – В магазине
At the market – На рынке
Meat – мясо
Grapes – виноград
Bread – хлеб
Postcards – открытки
Magazine – журнал
Medicine – лекарства
Beef – говядина
Apples – яблоки
Chicken – курица, цыпленок
Pears – груши
Oranges – апельсины
Diary – дневник
Stamps – марки
Vegetables – овощи
Strawberries – клубника
Batteries – батарейки
Envelopes – конверты
Towel – полотенце
Potatoes – картофель
Soap – мыло
Razor – бритва
Clothes – одежда
Fruit – фрукты
Sportswear – спортивная одежда
Sausages – колбаса, сосиски
Oil – растительное масло
Records – записи, пластинки
Eggs – яйца
Stationary – канцелярские принадлежности
Toothbrush – зубная щетка
6. Say where you can buy:
Скажите, где Вы можете купить:
Mushrooms, a cake, a pen, oranges, postcards, a book, beef, grapefruit, apple juice, boots, a diary, a razor, potatoes, a bunch of flowers, eggs, a toothbrush, medicines, bread, a magazine, a cup of coffee, clothes.
7. Make up word combinations.
Составьте словосочетания.
8. Translate the sentences.
Переведите предложения.
1. В кафе я всегда покупаю чашку чая и кусочек торта.
2. Мы бы хотели три стакана яблочного сока.
3. Вы продаете цветы? Я бы хотел букет роз.
4. Когда моя жена покупает одежду в этом магазине, я всегда выпиваю бутылочку газированной воды.
5. Где я могу купить тарелку супа?
6. Не могли бы Вы мне дать кусочек хлеба?
7. Я могу пойти в аптеку и купить бутылку лекарства для нее.
8. Я бы хотел прослушать эти записи сейчас. Ты можешь принести мне чашку чая?
9. Find the odd word out.