Английский язык с Э. Р. Берроузом. Принцесса Марса - Edgar Burroughs
For ten years I have waited and prayed for an answer to my questions. For ten years I have waited and prayed to be taken back to the world of my lost love. I would rather lie dead beside her there than live on Earth all those millions of terrible miles from her.
The old mine, which I found untouched, has made me fabulously wealthy; but what care I for wealth!
As I sit here tonight in my little study overlooking the Hudson, just twenty years have elapsed since I first opened my eyes upon Mars.
I can see her shining in the sky through the little window by my desk (через маленькое окно у моего стола я могу видеть, как он сияет в небе), and tonight she seems calling to me again (и сегодня он как будто вновь призывает меня) as she has not called before since that long dead night (так, как никогда не призывал раньше с той давно прошедшей ночи; dead— мертвый; исчезнувшийбезследа), and I think I can see (и мне кажется, что я могу видеть), across that awful abyss of space (через эту ужасную бездну космоса; abyss— бездна, пропасть), a beautiful black-haired woman standing in the garden of a palace (прекрасную черноволосую женщину, /которая/ стоит в саду дворца), and at her side is a little boy (а рядом с ней маленький мальчик) who puts his arm around her as she points into the sky (который обнимает ее своей рукой, когда она указывает в небо) toward the planet Earth (на планету Земля), while at their feet is a huge and hideous creature with a heart of gold (а у их ног находится огромное и безобразное чудовище с золотым сердцем).
I believe that they are waiting there for me (я верю, что они ждут меня там), and something tells me that I shall soon know (и что-то подсказывает мне, что я вскоре /все/ узнаю).
shining ['SaInIN], abyss [q'bIs], standing ['stxndIN]
I can see her shining in the sky through the little window by my desk, and tonight she seems calling to me again as she has not called before since that long dead night, and I think I can see, across that awful abyss of space, a beautiful black-haired woman standing in the garden of a palace, and at her side is a little boy who puts his arm around her as she points into the sky toward the planet Earth, while at their feet is a huge and hideous creature with a heart of gold.
I believe that they are waiting there for me, and something tells me that I shall soon know.