Английские корни немецкого фашизма: от британской к австро-баварской «расе господ». - Мануэль Саркисянц
858. Colin Cross, British Fascists, p. 101.
859. Thurlow, p. 6.
860. James Drennan, Der britische Faschismu, S. 195.
861. Alfred Rosenberg, Grossdeutschland. Traum oder Tragodie. Hrsg. von H. Hartle (Munchen, 1970), S. 80.
862. Ernst Nolte, Die Krise des liberalen Systems, S. 340.
863. Thurlow, Fascism in Berlin, p. 74.
864. Ibid., p. 74.
865. Griffiths, Fellow-travellers of the Right, p. 87–88.
866. Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 51.
867. Ibid., p. 135.
868. Ibid., p. 146.
869. Ibid., p. 276.
870. Ibid., p. 118; Skidelsky, pp. 118, 226, 198f, 461; A. Marwick, The Home Front… and the Second World War (London, 1976), pp. 36f; David Baker, Ideology of Obsession. A. K. Chesterton and British Fascism (1996), p. 193; Richard Griffiths, Patriotism perverted. Captain Ramsay, the Right Club and British Antisemitism, 1939–1940 (London, 1998), pp. 113f,207.
871. Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 249.
872. A. K. Chesterton, Mosley. Geschichte und Programm des britischen Faschismus (Leipzig, 1937), S. 29.
873. Oswald Mosley, The Greater Britain (London, 1934), p. 20; R. Skidelsky, p. 455.
874. A. k. Chesterton, Mosley. Geschichte und Programm desbritischen Faschismus (Leipzig, 1937), S. 258; James Drennan, Der britische Faschismus und sein Fuhrer (Berlin, 1937), S. lOf, 219.
875. Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 189.
876. Mosley, The Greater Britain, p. xi.
877. Lebzelter, Political Antisemitism in England 1918–1939 (Oxford, 1978), p. 108.
878. Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 167.
879. Colin Cross, S. 15, 99, 1301T.
879a. Richard Thurlow, Fascism in Britain (New York, 1987); Lebzelter, Political Antisemitism in England 1918–1939 (Oxford, 1978), p. 117f, 121f, 128, 131, 135 with reference to Record of sessions of House of Commons of 10. July and 26. November 1936: Hansard, 5th Series, CCCXIV, 15–75 und CCCXVIII, 640; N. C. Macnamara, Origin and character of the British People (London, 1900), p. 231f; R. West, Meaning of Treason, p. 68f; K. Ewing and C. Gearty, The Struggle for Civil Libertees… in Britain (New York, 2000), pp. 35, 173, 275f, 299, 301, 329.
880. Colin Cross, pp. 15, 99, 130ff.
881. Sir Oswald Mosley, My life (London, 1968), p. 388, 396.
882. W. Mock, "The function of Race in Imperialist ideology. The example of Joseph Chamberlain", in: P. Kennedy & A. Nicholls (Editor), Nationalist and racialist movements in Britain before 1914 (Oxford, 1981), p. 193.
882a. G. R. Searle, The Quest for National Efficiency (Oxford, 1971), p. 95.
883. Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (London, 1935), pp. 45, 658f; Skidelsky, Fascism (London, 1973), without page reference, cited in: Philip Rees, "Changing interpretations of British Fascism", in: Lunn & Thurlow, British Fascism, p. 199.
884. D. S. Lewis, Illusion of grandeur. Mosley, Fascism and British society (Manchester, 1987), p. 200f, quotes: Action of 25. March 1939, S. 1; Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 182f.
885. Oswald Mosley, The Greater Britain, p. 152f; Mosley, My Life (London, 1968), p. 364f.
886. Mosley, My Life, p. 394.
887. Gollin, Proconsul, pp. 538f, 550f, 557; J. Drennan (Pseudonym von W. E. D. Allen), "Why not Drang nach Osten?": British Union of Fascists Quarterly, I, Nr. 4 (Oktober-Dezember 1938), p. 16–27, quoted in: D. S. Lewis, S. 186; Mosley, The Greater Britain, p. 152f; Hans Grimm, Englische Rede, Wie ich den Englander sehe (Gutersloh, 1938), S. 17; Oswald Mosley, The Greater Britain, pp. 152f.
887a. Mike Cronin, Failure of British Fascism, The far Right and the fight for political recognition (New York, 1996), p. 8.
888. Drennan (wie Anm. 786), S. 226; Jan Colvin, Vansittart in Office, A Historical survey of the origins of the second World War based on the papers of… Vansittart (London, 1965), p. 273, 285: quotation from Sir Horace Wilson; J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian (Philip Kerr) 1882–1940 (London, 1960), p. 360.
889. Ibid., p. 76, 235.
890. Ibid., p. vi, 236, 128; Werner Maser, Das Regime (Munchen, 1983), S. 407.
891. Thomas Jones, A Diary with Letters 1931–1950 (Oxford, 1954), p. 231: entry of 27. July 1936.
892. J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian, p. 352: Communication of Hjalmar Schacht vom 5. Mai 1937; Gollin, pp. 550f.
893. Hans-Christoph Schroder, Imperialismus und antidemokratisches Denken. Alfred Milners Kritik am politischen System Englands (Wiesbaden, 1978), S. 66, 70–73; Walter Nimocks, Milner's Young Men (London, 1968), p. ix; Jonathan Rutherford, Forever England (1997), p. 77; Margaret George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933–1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), p. 217, 139f, 142, 538ff; William R. Rock, British Appeasement in the 1930"s (London, 1977), p. 65; Robert Shepherd, A Class divided. Appeasement and the Road to Munich, 1938 (London, 1988), p. 22.
894. R. D. Warth, The Allies and the Russian Revolution (Cambridge, 1954), pp. 94, 104, 14; Alexander Kerenski, Die Kerenski Memoiren (Wien, 1966), S. 365f, 408, 418f.
894a. J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian, S. 250f; The Round Table, XXV, № 98 (1935), pp. 283, 297f, cited in Rutherford, Forever England, p. 98; R. Shepherd, p. 25; Gollin, Proconsul, pp. 42, 606.
894b. Margaret George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933–1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), pp. 217, 139f, 142; James Drennan, Der britische Faschismus. BUFund sein Fuhrer (Berlin, 1937), S. 238f; A. M. Gollin, Proconsul in Politics. A study of Lord Milner (London, 1964), pp. 216f, 220,601; K. Tidrick, Empire and the English Character (London, 1992), pp. 271f, 231, quoting Milner's «Credo»: The Times (London) of 27. July 1925.
894c. Gollin, Proconsul, pp. 573, 523, 525, 561, 564, 568, 345, 373.
895. Dietrich Aigner, Das Ringen um England. Das deutsch-britische Verhaltnis 1933–1939 (Munchen, 1969), S. 59, 56, 57, zitiert auch Das Schwarze Kords, Nr. 3 vom 16. Januar 1936, S. 7; George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933–1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), p. 28f; Walter Schellenberg, Invasion 1940. The Nazi Invasion Plan for Britain (London, 2000), pp. 27, 144: The Gestapo Handbook for… Britain.
895a. Marquess of Londonderry, Ourselves and Germany (London, 1938), p. III, 166; Londonderry, England blickt auf Deutschland. Um deutsch-englische Verstandigung (essen, 1938), s. 4f; colin Cross, Fascists in Britain (New York, 1961), p. 141.
896. John Baker-White, Dover-Nurnberg (London, 1937), p. 28, 31f, 70f, 72, 74.
897. Linehan, p. 45; Graham Wooton, The official History of the British Legion (London, 1956), p. 195, in: Richard Griffiths (as reference 791), p. 130.
898. D. Aigner, Das Ringen um England, S. 83; vgl. G. Ward Price, Extra Special Correspondent (1957), p. 222 und Hans Thost, Als Nationalsozialist in England (Munchen, 1939), S. 200, 309f.
899. Sir Barry Domville, By and Large (London, 1936), p. 236f, 240, 243, 245ff.
900. Marquess Londonderry, Ourselves and Germany (Harmondsworth, 1938), p. 97, 157, 73; Middlesmas & Barnes, Stanley Baldwin (London, 1969), p. 805 in: Maurice Cowling, The impact of Hitler. British politics and policies 1933–1940 (Chicago, 1977), p. 127; Richard Griffiths, Fellow Travellers of the Right British enthusiasts for Nazi Germany (Oxford, 1983), p. 140f.
900a. Aigner, Ringen um England, S. 56.
901. Margaret George, Warped Vision, pp. 223f; cf. Walter Darre, Neuadel aus Blut und Boden (Munchen, 1930), S. 133, 218f and G. E. Watson, The English Ideology (London, 1976), p. 201 as well as R. Symonds, Oxford and Empire, p. 11; R. Shepherd, p. 18; Drennan, Der britische Faschismus, S. 78f.;
901A. Cannadine, p. 697.
901a. A. K. Chesterton, Mosley. Geschichte und Programm des britischen Faschismus (Leipzig, 1937), S. 78f; cf. Wilson Knight, Christ and Nietzsche (London, 1948), p. 209, quoted in David Baker, The Ideology of Obsession. A. K. Chesterton and British Fascism (London, 1996), p. 102.
901b. R. Shepherd, p. 274; Speech of Herbert Morrison of 22. February, 1938: Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons, Vol. CCCXXXll, Col. 303f, qouted in B. J. Wendt, Munchen, 1938. England zwischen Hitler und Preussen (Frankfurt, 1965), S. 113, 143; Simon Haxey, England's Money Lords (1939).
901c. R. Symonds, Oxford and Empire (London, 1991), p. lOf; cf. Keith Feiling, Life of Neville Chamberlain (London, 1947), p. 406; Robert Shepherd, pp. 106, 176f, 205f, 245f.
902. Adolf Hitler, Monologe im Fuhrerhauptquartier, S. 193: 10. Januar 1942.
903. Thomas Carlyle, "The Nigger Question" (1849): Carlyle, Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. IV (London, 1899), p. 374, 381.
904. H. Thost, Als Nationalsozialist in England (Munchen, 1939), S. 323f, 240f; Hermann Rauschning. Die Revolution des Nihilismus, Kulisse und Wirklichkeit im Dritten Reich (Zurich, 1938), S. 372.
905. Ibid., S. 382f; Rauschning, Gesprache mit Hitler (Zurich, 1940), S. 44; Раушнинг. С. 47.
906. Allen Greenberger, British Image of India, p. 60.
907. K. Tidreck, Empire and English Character, p. 246; cf. Scott Newton, Profits of Peace. Political economy of Anglo-German Appeasement (Oxford, 1996), pp. 168, 152; Ivonne Kirkpatrick, The Inner Circle. Memoirs (London, 1959), p. 97; Wahrhold Drascher, Die Vorherrschaft der Weissen Rasse (Berlin, 1936), S. 373, 222.
908. Ibid., S. 153, 375, 379, 221, 343, 345.
909. Dr. Johann von Leers, Die Deutschen — Kolonialpioniere Europas (Stuttgart, 1937), S. 76, 72.
910. Marquess Londonderry, Ourselves and Germany (1938), p. 80.
911. John Toland, Adolf Hitler (Bergisch Gladbach, 1977), S. 499.
912. Thurlow, Fascism in Britain (London, 1980), p. 165.
913. Fred Winterbotham, Secret and Personal (London, 1969), S. 38–39; Winterbotham, The Nazi Connection, S. 93 nach Griffiths (as note 791), p. 119f, 176; R. Cecil, The Myth of the Master Race (London, 1972), p. 176; Margaret George (as note 893), p. 180; J. Wheeler-Bennet, King George VI (Toronto, 1958), p. 346.
914. Hans Grimm, Heynade und England. Eine deutsch-englische Familiengeschichte 1880–1923 (Lippoldsberg, 1969), Buch I, S. 351.
915. Ibid., Buch III, S. 164; Buch I, S. 191, 13.
916. Hans Grimm, Englische Rede. Wie ich den Englander sehe (1938), S. 18f, 7f.
917. L. Amery, My political Life, Vol. IlI (1953), p. 247; Bernd Martin, Friedensinitiativen und Machtpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg, S. 507; Alfred Rosenberg, Der Mythus des Zwangzigsten Jahrhunderts. Wertung der seelisch-geistigen Gestaltenkampfe unserer Zeit (Munchen, 1943), S. 666.