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UNIX — универсальная среда программирования - Брайан Керниган

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  else {

   if (errno == EINTR) {

    errno = 0;

    printf("interrupt side %dn", n);

   } else {

    printf("true end of file %dn", n);





onintr() {

 signal(SIGINT, onintr);



3.8.49 spname.c

/* spname: return correctly spelled filename */


 * spname(oldname, newname) char *oldname, *newname;

 * returns -1 if no reasonable match to oldname,

 * 0 if exact match,

 * 1 if corrected.

 * stores corrected name in newname.


#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/dir.h>

spname(oldname, newname)

 char *oldname, *newname;


 char *p, guess[DIRSIZ+1], best[DIRSIZ+1];

 char *new = newname, *old = oldname;

 for (;;) {

  while (*old == '/') /* skip slashes */

   *new++ = *old++;

  *new = '';

  if (*old == '') /* exact or corrected */

   return strcmp(oldname, newname) != 0;

  p = guess; /* copy next component into guess */

  for ( ; *old != '/' && *old != ''; old++)

   if (p < guess+DIRSIZ)

  *p++ = *old;

  *p = '';

  if (mindist(newname, guess, best) >= 3)

   return -1; /* hopeless */

  for (p = best; *new = *p++; ) /* add to end */

   new++; /* of newname */



mindist(dir, guess, best) /* search dir for guess */

 char *dir, *guess, *best;


 /* set best, return distance 0..3 */

 int d, nd, fd;

 struct {

  ino_t ino;

  char name[DIRSIZ+1]; /* 1 more than in dir.h */

 } nbuf;

 nbuf.name[DIRSIZ] = ''; /* +1 for terminal '' */

 if (dir[0] == '') /* current directory */

  dir = ".";

 d = 3; /* minimum distance */

 if ((fd=open(dir, 0)) == -1)

  return d;

 while (read(fd, (char*)&nbuf, sizeof(struct direct)) > 0)

  if (nbuf.ino) {

   nd = spdist(nbuf.name, guess);

   if (nd <= d && nd != 3) {

    strcpy(best, nbuf.name);

    d = nd;

    if (d == 0) /* exact match */





 return d;


/* spdist: return distance between two names */


 * very rough spelling metric:

 * 0 if the strings are identical

 * 1 if two chars are transposed

 * 2 if one char wrong, added or deleted

 * 3 otherwise


#define EQ(s,t) (strcmp(s,t) == 0)

spdist(s, t)

 char *s, *t;


 while (*s++ == *t)

  if (*t++ == '')

   return 0; /* exact match */

 if (*--s) {

  if (*t) {

   if (s[1] && t[1] && *s == t[1] && *t == s[1] && EQ(s+2, t+2))

    return 1; /* transposition */

   if (EQ(s+1, t+1))

    return 2; /* 1 char mismatch */


  if (EQ(s+1, t))

   return 2; /* extra character */


 if (*t && EQ(s, t+1))

  return 2; /* missing character */

 return 3;


3.8.50 strindex.c

strindex(s, t) /* return index of t in s, -1 if none */

 char *s, *t;


 int i, n;

 n = strlen(t);

 for (i = 0; s[i] != ''; i++)

  if (strncmp(s+i, t, n) == 0)

   return i;

 return -1;


3.8.51 sv.c

/* sv: save new files */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/dir.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

char *progname;

main(argc, argv)

 int argc;

 char *argv[];


 int i;

 struct stat stbuf;

 char *dir = argv[argc-1];

 progname = argv[0];

 if (argc <= 2)

  error ("Usage: %s files... dir", progname);

 if (stat(dir, festbuf) == -1)

  error("can't access directory %s", dir);

 if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)

  error("%s is not a directory", dir);

 for (i = 1; i < argc-1; i++)

  sv(argv[i], dir);



sv(file, dir) /* save file in dir */

 char *file, *dir;


 struct stat sti, sto;

 int fin, fout, n;

 char target[BUFSIZ], buf[BUFSIZ], *index();

 sprintf(target, "%s/%s", dir, file);

 if (index(file, '/') != NULL) /* strchr() in some systems */

  error("won't handle '/'s in %s", file);

 if (stat(file, &sti) == -1)

  error("can't stat %s", file);

 if (stat(target, &sto) == -1) /* target not present */

  sto.st_mtime = 0; /* so make it look old */

 if (sti.st_mtime < sto.st_mtime) /* target is newer */

  fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s not copiedn", progname, file);

 else if ((fin = open(file, 0)) == -1)

  error("can't open file %s", file);

 else if ((fout = creat(target, sti.st_mode)) == -1)

  error("can't create %s", target);

 while ((n = read(fin, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)

  if (write(fout, buf, n) != n)

   error("error writing %s", target);




#include "error.c"

3.8.52 system1.c

#include <signal.h>

system(s) /* run command line s */

 char *s;


 int status, pid, w, tty;

 int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();


 if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {


  execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", s, (char*)0);




 istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

 qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);

 while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)


 if (w == -1)

  status = -1;

 signal(SIGINT, istat);

 signal(SIGQUIT, qstat);

 return status;


3.8.53 system.c


 * Safer version of system for interactive programs


#include <signal.h>

#include <stdio.h>

system(s) /* run command line s */

 char *s;


 int status, pid, w, tty;

 int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();

 extern char *progname;


 tty = open("/dev/tty", 2);

 if (tty == -1) {

  fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't open /dev/ttyn", progname);

  return -1;


 if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {








  execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", s, (char*)0);




 istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

 qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);

 while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)


 if (w == -1)

  status = -1;

 signal(SIGINT, istat);

 signal(SIGQUIT, qstat);

 return status;


3.8.54 timeout.c

/* timeout: set time limit on a process */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <signal.h>

int pid; /* child process id */

char *progname;

main(argc, argv)

 int argc;

 char *argv[];


 int sec = 10, status, onalarm();

 progname = argv[0];

 if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') {

  sec = atoi(&argv[1][1]);




 if (argc < 2)

  error("Usage: %s [-10] command", progname);

 if ((pid=fork()) == 0) {

  execvp(argv[1], &argv[1]);

  error("couldn't start %s", argv[1]);


 signal(SIGALRM, onalarm);


 if (wait(&status) == -1 || (status & 0177) != 0)

  error("%s killed", argv[1]);

 exit((status >> 8) & 0377);


onalarm() /* kill child when alarm arrives */


 kill(pid, SIGKILL);


#include "error.c"

3.8.55 toolong

length($0) > 72 { print "Line", NR, "too long:", substr($0,1,60) }

3.8.56 ttyin1.c

ttyin() /* process response from /dev/tty (version 1) */


 char buf[BUFSIZ];

 FILE *efopen();

 static FILE *tty = NULL;

 if (tty == NULL)

  tty = efopen("/dev/tty", "r");

 if (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, tty) == NULL || buf[0] == 'q')


 else /* ordinary line */

  return buf[0];


3.8.57 ttyin2.c

ttyin() /* process response from /dev/tty (version 2) */


 char buf[BUFSIZ];

 FILE *efopen();

 static FILE *tty = NULL;

 if (tty == NULL)

  tty = efopen("/dev/tty", "r");

 for (;;) {

  if (fgets(buf,BUFSIZ,tty) == NULL || buf[0] == 'q')


  else if (buf[0] == '!') {

   system(buf+1); /* BUG here */



  else /* ordinary line */

   return buf[0];



#include "system.c"

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