Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук
6. Why does your mother.........................................................?
7. Are the museums................................................................?
8. Is the exhibition................................................?
9. Does................................................................?
10. When.........................................................................?
5. Find one word in each sentence that shouldn’t be there. The first has been done for you.
Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждом предложении. Первое предложение выполнено как пример.
1. My sister meets to her guests in the living room.
2. He doesn’t likes to listen to classical music.
3. I would like to watch at TV.
4. Give to me a new pen, please.
5. My father comes home from the work at seven.
6. My guests to look for a new computer.
7. When does he my brother come home?
8. They can to travel in summer.
9. The car is in the front of the house.
10. These programmes are do not modern.
Активный словарь
Nouns1. fireplace – камин
fire – костер, огонь
2. loft – чердак
3. kitchen – кухня
4. animal – животное
5. dock – док
6. downtown – деловая часть города
I live in the downtown.
7. duck – утка
8. environment – окружающая среда
9. freedom – свобода
to be free – быть свободным
10. gas – газ
11. lifestyle – стиль жизни
12. river – река
13. sea – море
14. nature – природа
15. furniture – мебель
16. tree – дерево
Adjectives1. available – доступный, наличный
2. double – двойной
a double bed – двуспальная кровать
3. further – более отдаленный, дальнейший
further plans
4. furnished – меблированный
a furnished house
5. natural – естественный, природный
natural gas
6. pleasant – приятный
7. favourite – любимый
8. preferred – предпочитаемый
9. relaxing – расслабляющий
relaxing environment
Verbs1. to contact – сотрудничать, общаться с
2. to rent – брать в аренду
to rent a flat / a cottage
3. to enjoy – наслаждаться
I enjoy fishing.
4. to locate – размещать
We plan to locate it here.
5. to move – двигаться, передвигать
6. to go skiing – кататься на лыжах
7. to go fishing – рыбачить
8. to prefer – предпочитать
9. to stay – оставаться
I want to stay at home.
10. to think – думать
I think that it is nice.
Word Combinations1. How many? – Сколько
How much? – Сколько (с неисчисл.)
2. pretty features – прекрасные черты
3. Let me show you around.
Разрешите показать Вам квартиру / дом.
4. through here – пройдя через
5. electrical power – электроэнергия
6. public utility – коммунальная услуга
1. Fill in the gaps.
Заполните таблицу
2. Match the two halves of the words.
Найдите вторую половину слова.
3. Make sentences with the two words given.
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.
4. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я предпочитаю жить у реки.
2. Он арендует дом с электроэнергией.
3. Не могли бы Вы рассказать мне о своих дальнейших планах?
4. Я не могу общаться с этими людьми, их телефон недоступен.
5. Он хочет расположить дом в деловой части города.
6. Он не может переместить камин, это сложно.
7. Она предпочитает меблированные квартиры.
8. Я могу наслаждаться свободой здесь.
9. Коммунальные услуги очень дорогие.
10. Мои дети хотят остаться дома и ходить на рыбалку.
5. Write a General question and give a negative answer to it.
Напишите общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ на него.
Example: The house has a large kitchen.
Does the house have a large kitchen? No, it doesn’t have a large kitchen.
1. He locates his garage near the house.
2. She enjoys natural environment.
3. The ducks live in the river.
4. This furnished flat is available.
5. Those rooms have gas and electrical power.
6. We can contact these pleasant people.
7. She enjoys fishing and diving.
8. He can show me around.
9. We live in the downtown.
Language focus 1Prepositions of place
Предлоги места
6. Translate the sentences.
Переведите предложения.
1. I can’t see my book among these books.
2. We want to locate the house between the river and the road.
3. I can see many trees around the house.
4. The ducks are over the river.
5. The loft is under the roof.
6. We want to rent a garage behind our house.
7. You can see many children among us.
8. The chairs are near the fireplace.
7. Read and draw.
A furnished house;
a garage behind the house;
two trees in front of the house;
a cat between the two trees;
two ducks over the house;
a double bed in the house;
an old fireplace among the furniture;
a gas line around he house.
8. Answer the questions using various prepositions of place (on, in, over, under, behind, in front of, among, between, around, near).
Ответьте на вопросы, используя различные предлоги места (на, в, над, под, за, перед, среди, между, вокруг, около).
Where is the new furniture?
Where are the apple trees?
Where are the ducks?
Where is the loft in this house?
Where is the fireplace?
Where is the kitchen?
Where are my favourite flowers?
Where is the pleasant enviroment?
Where is the flat that you want to rent?
Where is the electrical power station?
Language focus 2Rooms and furniture
Комнаты и мебель
What does your house have?
bathroom-ванная комната
dining room-обеденная комната
playroom-игровая комната
living room-гостиная
Furniture in your house
shower-душевая кабина
bookcase-книжный шкаф
carpet-ковер, ковролин
home equipment-домашнее оборудование
DVD-player-DVD проигрыватель
hi-fi-музыкальный центр
TV set-телевизор
curtains-занавески, гардины
flower pots-горшки с цветами
washing machine-стиральная машина
9. Say whether these sentences are true or false.
Укажите, верны ли данные предложения.
Example: Your house / flat is near the river.
No, it isn’t near the river.
1. Your house / flat has a big hall.
2. You have a lot of home and kitchen equipment.
3. You listen to your hi-fi every day.
4. You have carpets in all the rooms.
5. You can see a garden from the window.
6. You like to take a shower.
7. The bedroom has a sofa.
8. You have bookcases in all the rooms.
9. Your cooker is modern.
10. The windows have beautiful curtains.
10. Write General or Special Questions with the following words.
Напишите Общие или Специальные вопросы с указанными словами.
TV set
11. Complete the sentences.
Дополните предложения.
Our flat / house has.............................................................................................
Our living room has.............................................................................................
Our playroom has...............................................................................................
Our kitchen has.................................................................................................
Our hall has......................................................................................................
Our bedroom has................................................................................................
Активная грамматика
The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense (more practice)
Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время (дополнительная практика)
1. Complete the sentences with the Adverbs of Time (often, always, never, usually, seldom, sometimes, every day / year / month / week).
Дополните предложения наречиями-определителями (часто, всегда, никогда, обычно, редко, иногда, каждый день / год / месяц / неделю).
1. He contacts with pleasant people.
2. We live in the natural environment.
3. She rents a furnished flat.
4. They locate the electrical power station there.
5. They move flats.
6. They buy available furniture.
7. You see ducks in the downtown.
8. He changes his lifestyle.
9. The children relax in the playroom.
2. Write in the verbs in the correct form.
Напишите глаголы в правильной форме.
I (not to contact).....................................
The flat (to have)....................................
She (to enjoy).........................................
David (not to rent)...................................
The room (not to have).............................
Sandra (not to move)...............................
You (to show)........................................
He (not to relax)....................................
People (not to prefer)..............................
They (to enjoy)......................................
We (not to live).....................................
Nat (to do)............................................
They (to stay)........................................
She (not to think)....................................
3. Translate the sentences into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Она предпочитает расслабляющую музыку. ........................................................
2. Мы не часто катаемся на лыжах. ........................................................
3. Эта фирма не покупает меблированные квартиры. ........................................................
4. Он не остается в деловой части города после работы. ........................................................
5. Эта квартира не имеет балкона. ........................................................
6. Они снимают квартиру с камином. ........................................................